The 25 dollar PC. This is pretty awesome, it costs 25 dollars to make, is the size of a flash drive and is about as powerful as an old iphone. Of course it runs Ubuntu so you can't actually do anything with it, still it's worth reading about.
Douchey politician's mom makes him apologize to Neil Gaiman. I'm all for politicians taking a stand against frivolous spending (like paying Neil Gaiman $30,000 to speak at a Library) but I kinda draw the line when you start calling genuinely talented people thieves.
Convention Sketch Controversy. Long story short, people without any souls are begging well loved comic book artists to draw sketches for them at conventions and then putting them up for sale on Ebay almost immediately. It's not illegal or anything it's just kind of scummy.
23 facts you might not have know about the Dukes of Hazard. Great list, not like one of those 11 things you didn't know about star wars lists where #4 is that Luke Skywalker was originally named Luke Starkiller... everyone knows that!
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