26 Pictures from Nerdy Weddings. I have a hard time even fathoming how into Halo have to be to want Master Chief to officiate your wedding. I don't even think Gary Halo the creator of Xbox would want that.
Byran Singer and William Shatner's Star Trek Pitches. I seriously miss Star Trek on TV. Battlestar Galactica filled that hole for a little while, but now there's nothing. What's SyFy doing over there anyway? Is there too little room on the schedule with all the Ghost Hunting they do now?
The top 10 movies people lie about having seen. I was pretty impressed that I've seen four of these. Or is it less? No it's four.... maybe.
Sony's new tablet PCs look weird. I saw these and I was like, really Sony? I had no idea they still make computer stuff. Also did you here they crashed the Playstation network? I guess it's a banner day in Sony land.
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