Word on the internets this afternoon is that Neil Gaiman's American Gods is being pitched to HBO as a miniseries. I guess this is pretty cool news. I really liked American Gods even though I'm kinda inclined to not like Neil Gaiman. His good name has been ruined for me by emos and goths constantly touting his work like he's some sort of curly haired messiah. It's very similar to my irrational hate for Kurt Cobain but with less flannel and shotguns.
Anyhoo, this seems kinda like a slam dunk to me. The book has a good mix of mystery, action and suspense with just a right ammount of the supernatural thrown in (oh god, it sounds like twilight). In fact I'm shocked no one has tried to take this bood to the big screen yet. It's probably because M Night Shammlylammy has ruined America's appetite for old fashioned cinematic fables.
img by
zelu via diviantart
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