Having a 11 month old that just doesn't want to sleep like a normal human has provided me with ample opportunities to watch absolute garbage TV shows and movies at 1 in the morning. With "..the Blurst of Times" I'll tell you all about whatever horrible abortion of a TV show I watched the night before.
Zombie Strippers is one of those movies that really delivers on it's title. At least I assume it does, I mean I've never actually been in a strip club or worse yet, seen a real zombie.
Now if you missed Zombie Strippers in the theater let me tell you the small screen hardly does it justice. If you really want to appreciate how god-awful Jenna Jameson looks these days you really need to check it out in Imax, or at least in digitally projected 3-d. It also helps if you've read the book before hand, the plot has a lot of twists and turns, and if you don't pay close attention you'll get confused. Think Inception but with breast implants.
On a scale of 1 to when I fell asleep this movie scores a very respectable 40 minutes. I mean lets face it, zombies and strippers are going to hold your attention for quite a while. It wasn't until the zombies started stripping that I called it a night.
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