So Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Joss Whedon has confirmed that The Avengers will only have one female member. That means no Wasp, Ms. Marvel or Scarlet Witch. Only The Black Widow, who lets face it, is kind of a crappy Avenger. I mean if sleeping around is a power she's like Galactus but last time I checked the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe it wasn't.
Honestly I don't think this is that big of a deal if Scarlett Johansson hadn't been such a snooze in Iron Man 2. I mean this is a big budget action movie, you can't just get by on good looks.

To be fair Whedon did say that Scarlett Johansson wouldn't be the only female lead in the movie, so we'll probably have someone like Pepper Potts or Sharon Carter showing up, just no other female Avengers. Which kinda sucks. Sure this borders on complaining just for complaining's sake, but it would have been nice to see an Avengers movie that didn't rely so heavy on the Big 3. But that's just one nerds opinion. I'm sure in 2012 I'll be like OMG! The avengers iz teh hotness!
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