Two Overwatch shorts in as many days? It's Christmas in August. Speaking of Christmas, it's getting pretty close to Christmas time.
Yeah, I know I sound like an insane person. But a large part of my job consists of projecting estimated sales 3-4 months in advance and guess what's 3-4 months from now? Plus the other day at Costco they were already selling Halloween costumes. Crazy huh? Pretty soon we're going to have two shopping seasons. Christmas and January.
I'm pretty pumped for Christmas. This will probably be the first year my daughter gets it 100% and the last year my son is still going to believe in Santa. I've already heard some kids he knows talking shit about the jolly guy so I wouldn't be surprised if actually had issues this year.
Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, this Overwatch short is pretty cool. Like I said yesterday Blizzard put so much work into the history and background of these characters. It's pretty amazing. I can't think of another first person shooter that cares about the characters as much as Overwatch does. Sure some shooters build these really incredible worlds but more often than not they don't put half as much thought into the characters than inhabit it. You can take the main characters from Gears of War, Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield and they're completely interchangeable. They're not so much as characters but a projection of what the developers think is hero wish fulfillment.
Of course well developed characters doesn't keep me from wanting to smash my keyboard in every time Hanzo hits me with a scatter arrow from across the map. Stupid Hanzo.
Runequest Humble Bundle
29 minutes ago
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