Your standard Nerf gun is pretty great if you're pretending hunting small dogs or small people but what if you need to Nerf an elephant? For that you need a Nerf gun the size of a Vespa. But where do you find a gun that big? Well it just so happens some guys on Youtube made one. I guess you could steal if from them. Just watch out, they have a huge Nerf gun.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
2016 SDCC Cosplay: Cosplay Beyond

I guess my point is this weekend was really perfect conditions for ladies (or dude) in booty shorts. You might even say we saw THE SEXIEST HOTTEST COSPLAY EVER this weekend. Yes, If you're looking at this google image search I would definitely say we saw THE SEXIEST SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON COSPLAYERS EVER. Boobs.
Again, these are just pictures I found on tumblr, reddit and twitter. If you own any of these or are in any of these and you want credit or links just hit me up and I'll be happy to add them.

Put Kylo in some lifts and this would be perfect.

Harley Quinn is the new Slave Leia. These costumes will be everywhere this year.

Hail Hydra!

I actually this this might have been a statue. Oh well too late to remove it!

This is one of the most impressive bat suits I've ever seen at a con.

How easy is it to get off that much body paint? Are you stuck like this for days?

You think when he's at the gym he tells people he's working on his cosplay?

Hello Nurse.

I'm still convinced this is actually Wesley Snipes.

Thursday, July 28, 2016
Disney Rolls Out The Red Carpet For Little Kylo
Apparently if you go to Disneyland dressed as Kylo Ren the First Order Stormtroopers really pull out all the stops for you. I have got to get down there. I don't care if it's like $200 a day now. Think of all the hits you youtube!
2016 SDCC Cosplay: The Cosplay Awakens

Just to make sure we cast as wide of a google image search net as we can I'll throw in a couple adjectives, I've found that stupid adjectives really help with the google searches. Sexy, Hot, unbelievable, geeky, hilarious, funny... umm I already said "hot" right? How about Sexy-Hot? How does that sound google image search? Sexy-Hot is just how you like it, right? Oh yeah... boobs.
As expected this year's SDCC had a lot of cool an imaginative cosplay. Here's some of my favorites, or at least some of my favorites that didn't have watermarks on them. If you own any of these or are in any of these and you want credit or links just hit me up and I'll add them.

I expect we're going to see a lot of Suicide Squad cosplay from here on out.

This is even better than that Mad Max Trump I saw everywhere last year.

That's because nobody cares Waldo. Nobody cares...

Sexy Chewbacca? Sure, why not?

There was a lot of Overwatch Cosplay this year. This reinhardt was my fav.

Genius! The kids are cute and they can't use their arms. Perfect Cosplay!

Sweet Fancy Moses, those wings!

Are we sure this is cosplay and not the real GRRM?

It's sad when you realize she dies at the end of the con (JUST KIDDING!)

Is that Enternity the abstract, virtually omnipotent entity representing all time and reality in the background?

Not Technically cosplay but amazing none the less.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Deadpool vs Comic-Con 2016
D-Piddy is a pretty well known cosplayer, he goes to a lot of conventions dressed as Deadpool and acts really silly. Everyone has a good time. Here's 5 minutes of him at this years SDCC. I like the part where he grabbed that one dudes butt. It's funny because butts are funny.
Also, holy crap. Was that actually Wesley Snipes?
Also, holy crap. Was that actually Wesley Snipes?
Brie Larson Is Your Captain Marvel
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 |
Filed Under:
captain marvel,

It's pretty ridiculous that it's taken 8 years and about about a dozen movies for Marvel to get to this point but I guess it's better late then never? Marvel has been pushing a more diverse comics universe for the last 5 or 6 years, it's nice that effort is finally showing up on the big screen with Captain Marvel and Black Panther. Can't wait for all the hot takes from Fox News when these two movies hit the box office.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Ash vs Evil Dead: Season 2 Trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 |
Filed Under:
ash vs evil dead,
awesome tv shows

I think I already freely admitted to pirating all of the first season of Ash vs Evil Dead. I know it's a terrible thing to do but... well, I really don't have any defense here.
So, season 2 looks fantastic! I mean using a chainsaw to tap a keg seems like a terrible idea but hey, it's a party. At least until the deadites arrive and everyone is covered in blood. Then it's just like a different kind of party. One where you probably wish you had back all that beer you spilled everywhere with your chainsaw hand.
So, season 2 looks fantastic! I mean using a chainsaw to tap a keg seems like a terrible idea but hey, it's a party. At least until the deadites arrive and everyone is covered in blood. Then it's just like a different kind of party. One where you probably wish you had back all that beer you spilled everywhere with your chainsaw hand.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Doctor Strange Official Trailer 2
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, July 25, 2016 |
Filed Under:
comic books,
doctor strange,

Oh yeah, Marvel premiered a new Doctor Strange Trailer at SDCC this weekend. It's fine. I don't know, I'm still not on board with another Origin story. Audiences are superhero smart these days. Do your origin in like the first 5 minutes then lets get to the sequel already.
Also all the white people mixed with Asian themes still seems really racist to me. I know the same could be said about Iron Fist but I like Iron Fist better than Doctor Strange so I'm more willing to let it slide over there. I'm consistent with my inconsistency.
Also all the white people mixed with Asian themes still seems really racist to me. I know the same could be said about Iron Fist but I like Iron Fist better than Doctor Strange so I'm more willing to let it slide over there. I'm consistent with my inconsistency.
Uninhabitable Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, July 25, 2016 |
Filed Under:
king of the hill,
the olympics,

More Cosplay for SDCC to come later this week!

Sunday, July 24, 2016
Warner Bros Drinks Marvel's Milkshake
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Sunday, July 24, 2016 |
Filed Under:
comic books,
harry potter,
justice league,
wonder woman

Marvel was having a pretty good San Diego Comic-Con, with showy trailers for all their netflix shows plus some casting news for Agents of Shield, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Captain Marvel. DC and Warner Bros took their "pretty good" gave it a wedgie and stuffed it in a locker with trailers for Justice League, Wonder Woman, The Lego Batman Movie, Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, King Arthur: Legends of the Sword, and if that wasn't enough a new Suicide Squad Trailer.
As much as I would like to pad my post count for the week here's all of them. Nice to Warner Bros just post these to Youtube after they showed them at SDCC. Pretty much the best way to battle piracy is to just give it away. They've generated a ton of buzz and I kinda doubt the 6,000 or so at Hall H that got to see these first feel cheated in anyway.
Nothing about the reviews or previews or word of mouth made me want to see Superman v Batman so I still haven't seen it. A friend is letting me borrow the DVD later this week so I'll probably get to it next weekend. HOWEVER, Justice League and Wonder Woman both look awesome. I'm all on board the DC hype train. Hopefully Zack Snyder doesn't throw me off it again with more talk about Batman getting raped in prison.
Friday, July 22, 2016
First Look at New Marvel Netflix Shows
Sweet Christmas, Netflix and Marvel really brought the heat when it came to SDCC first looks. We get the first trailer for Luke Cage and Iron Fist and a super bonus teaser for The Defenders. The Luke Cage trailer in particular is perfect. If the entire series is 10 episodes of Luke Cage wrecking low level thugs set to Wu-Tang tracks I'm totally fine with that.
The Iron Fist trailer doesn't provide as much action but at least gives you a sense of core of the character. Homeless Karate Man. In the comics Danny Rand is also quite rich so we'll see if that plays into the show or not. It probably would have been cooler watching him blow the door off that warehouse if I hadn't just watched Luke Cage do the exact same thing AND beat up guys with a car door.
I think I might be more excited for these TV shows than I am the next round of Marvel movies.
The Iron Fist trailer doesn't provide as much action but at least gives you a sense of core of the character. Homeless Karate Man. In the comics Danny Rand is also quite rich so we'll see if that plays into the show or not. It probably would have been cooler watching him blow the door off that warehouse if I hadn't just watched Luke Cage do the exact same thing AND beat up guys with a car door.
I think I might be more excited for these TV shows than I am the next round of Marvel movies.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
You Made a Hot Tub out of a DeLorean?
I had never heard of these guys at Super Fan Builds until this Hot Tub Time Machine DeLorean video started making the rounds on Reddit. It's pretty interesting. I could do without the goofy skits but the building stuff was pretty interesting. Maybe I could have these guys come over and fix my hot tub. I have a bad feeling that even if I got power to it, after sitting for 10 years unused it probably wouldn't work very well. If only I could go back in time and run power to it right when we bought the house...
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Here's a trailer for a Futurama fan film called Fan-O-Rama. It's equal parts impressive and disturbing. It's obvious the people putting it together are pretty talented with make-up and special effects but that transition from Cartoon to real life is a rough one. Leela does not look right, no one looks right. I mean if they post the finished project up on youtube or vimeo I guess I'll watch a couple minutes but I might have to get a bit drunk first.
Visual Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 |
Filed Under:
comic books,
video games

Worse than his actions are some of the people defending him. I mean his actions are terrible but I get that he's just a hack trying to get attention. There are people out there that legitimately believe it's their god given right to call someone a cunt on the internet. I do not get that.

One of these days I'm making my way to SDCC. It looks like a huge expensive pain in the ass and I get that all the cool comics stuff gets totally ignored but still. It's like complaining that the World Cup Final is rarely a good game, you still want to go just to experience it, right?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Milania Should Plead the Vanilla Ice Defense
Just a quick reminder that Vanilla Ice is a freaking National treasure. Dun dun dun dun dun dun duh.
Boy have I missed the Colbert Report
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 |
Filed Under:
colbert report,
the daily show,
tv shows

I didn't realize just how much I missed Stephen Colbert (of the Colbert Report as opposed to Stephen Colbert of the Late Show with Stephen Colbert) until he returned to TV last night to cover the Republican National Convention. I know the Daily Show with John Stewart was sort of the gold standard of late night political comedy but I'm sorry the Colbert Report was a better show. It was nice to see him back, even if it was only for a 10 minute segment.
I was kind of amazed at how badly the Comedy Central shows dropped the ball yesterday. I understand how their taping schedule works and I know it would have been a challenge to do any sort of new show at the RNC but come on. The Daily Show played a clip show that was really really poorly edited. The Nightly Show didn't even put that much effort into it, they just ran a rerun from last week. Both shows need to do something different and creative to gain back all the credibility they've lost over the last year. Just doing what Stewart and Colbert used to do but much worse isn't going to do anything for them.
Anyway, how about that Melania Trump? That was crazy huh?
I was kind of amazed at how badly the Comedy Central shows dropped the ball yesterday. I understand how their taping schedule works and I know it would have been a challenge to do any sort of new show at the RNC but come on. The Daily Show played a clip show that was really really poorly edited. The Nightly Show didn't even put that much effort into it, they just ran a rerun from last week. Both shows need to do something different and creative to gain back all the credibility they've lost over the last year. Just doing what Stewart and Colbert used to do but much worse isn't going to do anything for them.
Anyway, how about that Melania Trump? That was crazy huh?
Monday, July 18, 2016
10 Actors Who Hated Their Superhero Costume
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, July 18, 2016 |
Filed Under:

TGIM, am I right? I believe that stands for, holy balls it's Monday and I feel like I've been run over by a truck, stuffed into a button up shirt, shoved out the door and then run over by a second truck. Also I'm a bit sunburned. I need to get more sleep, or stop playing Overwatch until 1 am. Any chance we could get a couple more hours added onto the day? I feel like I could be really productive with a 30 hour day.
Anyway, here's a list of stuff about superheroes. It's not bad. It's funny they mention Jennifer Lawrence prominently. I stand by my opinion that her becoming a huge movie star after they had already filmed X-Men: First Class was terrible for the franchise. It's bad enough they keep having Magneto flip from good guy to bad guy, but Mystique being the face of the Mutant resistance? Woof.
Anyway, here's a list of stuff about superheroes. It's not bad. It's funny they mention Jennifer Lawrence prominently. I stand by my opinion that her becoming a huge movie star after they had already filmed X-Men: First Class was terrible for the franchise. It's bad enough they keep having Magneto flip from good guy to bad guy, but Mystique being the face of the Mutant resistance? Woof.
Friday, July 15, 2016
The Star Wars Rogue One Poster Is Great

Krum & Rob Viktum - Suitcases and Passports
Krum (the rapper formerly known as Playdough) and Rob Viktum released a few album about a month ago called Bare Knuckle Gospel. It's pretty good and it's free if you sign up for some newsletter thing. You've got a spare gmail account sitting around right? Go get the album. Just Do it.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
No Man’s Sky - EXPLORE Trailer
Anyone know where I can pick up a few more hours in the day? I realized yesterday I probably made a mistake buying Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Wii U when I'm already knee deep in Overwatch AND No Man's Sky just went gold.
I am so ready for No Man's Sky to finally be released. I probably won't pick it up day one, I want to read at least one or two reviews before buying it but man alive, if this game sucks I'm going to be crushed. It looks so great. 30 years ago when I was playing SunDog on the Apple II I couldn't imagine an open world game this pretty.
I am so ready for No Man's Sky to finally be released. I probably won't pick it up day one, I want to read at least one or two reviews before buying it but man alive, if this game sucks I'm going to be crushed. It looks so great. 30 years ago when I was playing SunDog on the Apple II I couldn't imagine an open world game this pretty.
Introducing The Nintendo Classic Mini

It's a terrible deal. Don't get me wrong, it's cute and all but my entire RetroPi build cost $30 and it plays hundreds of Nintento, Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis games. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about playing retro games on retro systems, there's no emulator that perfectly captures that experience BUT this new NES is just that, an emulator. If you're going to get an emulator just buy a raspberry PI and really get your moneys worth.
Or don't. I mean if the fact that this thing is super cute is enough for you go ahead and buy one. I probably haven't used my RetroPi in about a year, sure playing old games is fun for a couple hours but the nostalgia dries up pretty fast. At least with one of these Classic Mini's you're not going to spend half a day setting it up.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Sad Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 |
Filed Under:
advertising wizards,
video games,

I think what's really taken people off guard here is that Marvel had its solicitations for October leaked and there's zero X-Men titles on it. Mutants haven't gone away completely (Deadpool still gets two books) but there's nothing here with X-Men on the cover. Considering how popular the X-Men were when I grew up that seems amazing. I don't get what Disney and Marvel are really trying to accomplish here? Do they think Fox is quaking in their boots because Marvel won't publish an X-Men book? Fox barely even knows comics exist. All the execs at Fox probably think that they publish the X-Men book because they own the movie rights. This is the weakest strong arm technique I've ever seen.

Monday, July 11, 2016
Kendra Wilkinson - Lost in Space
I don't know what compels me to post awful music videos like this, but here we are, at Kendra Wilkinson's "tribute" to Lost in Space. First of all, how is Kendra Wilkinson still a thing, Secondly why not Holly she was way better looking. Also back to First of all, how is Kendra Wilkinson still a thing?
The Floppotron: Smells Like Nerd Spirit
I've seen music performed on disc drives before but I haven't seen anything quite like the Floppotron. 64 individual floppy drives, 8 hard drives and 2 flat bed scanners. It almost sounds like real music, not some horrific science experiment gone wrong begging to be killed.
BTW, I had a rad birthday. turning 40 is still complete garbage and should be against the law but I had a super cool birthday full of family and friends anda new Nintendo Wii U. More on that later... maybe much later. Work is insane right now. I've received over 130 e-mails just today and that's not counting how far I am behind for taking Thursday and Friday off. I probably shouldn't even be writing this right now, I'm just falling further and further behind.. Help me Mario Kart 8!!!!
BTW, I had a rad birthday. turning 40 is still complete garbage and should be against the law but I had a super cool birthday full of family and friends anda new Nintendo Wii U. More on that later... maybe much later. Work is insane right now. I've received over 130 e-mails just today and that's not counting how far I am behind for taking Thursday and Friday off. I probably shouldn't even be writing this right now, I'm just falling further and further behind.. Help me Mario Kart 8!!!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
P Stew's Cowboy Classics
Between this and that horrible MILF $ video I posted yesterday I'm pretty sure the internet is broken. Someone needs to check the tubes, I think they're clogged.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Fergie - M.I.L.F. $
Wow... this is just... wow. I can't even.
It's 2016 and Fergie is pouring milk all over her boobs, dancing with Kim Kardashian and completely ripping of Kelis's Milkshake song. At this point I think we kind of deserve Trump as president. Its one step closer to Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho and that can't be a bad thing right? I love drinking Brawndo, it's the thirst mutilator.
It's 2016 and Fergie is pouring milk all over her boobs, dancing with Kim Kardashian and completely ripping of Kelis's Milkshake song. At this point I think we kind of deserve Trump as president. Its one step closer to Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho and that can't be a bad thing right? I love drinking Brawndo, it's the thirst mutilator.
Fox Don't Care
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, July 05, 2016 |
Filed Under:
comic books,

One of the things that stood out the most to me while watching it is that outside of the 4 or 5 main stars Fox really doesn't care anything about the X-Men's supporting cast. Take Angel, a founding member of the X-Men known for his playboy disposition and heroic nature. In this he's a drunken pit fighter. Psylocke, long time X-Man and sister of Captain Britain, is hired muscle, a horseman of Apocalypse and one of like two characters that doesn't have a redemption story. Caliban, the Morlock who is so scared of his own shadow he actually makes a deal with Apocalypse so he can have actual powers that matter, is portrayed as some sort of underground power broker.

Also, Charles sure is forgiving of Magneto for killing all those people he kills in every movie.
I think this is one of the reason fans were so quick to embrace Deadpool. They actually made Colossus Russian. Who'd have thunk it?

I'm not advocating Fox give up the movie rights to the X-Men (even though that would be great) but maybe it's time to give the franchise to someone other than Bryan Singer. X-Men and X-2 were great movies, he's done as much as he can do right about now. Time to get someone in their with a vision for a simpler less confusing X-Men universe that knows why these characters have been so popular for so long. Maybe see what that Deadpool guy is doing for the next 10 years.
Friday, July 1, 2016
Will a Walmart Huffy survive a Downhill Mountain Bike Trail?
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, July 01, 2016 |
Filed Under:
EXTREME sports,

Short answer nope. Not at all. I mean yes, technically the bike made it down the hill but after the breaks fail, the shocks start leaking oil and the handlebars are bent you probably won't be making a second run. Kudos to this dude for not dying.
LEGO Civil War: Ant-Man vs. Iron Man
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, July 01, 2016 |
Filed Under:
captain america,

When does Captain America: Civil War come out on Blu-Ray. I want to see that movie again but I think it's already out of theaters. Remember when movies would be in theaters for forever. I remember seeing Jurassic Park in the theater in the summer of 94, a full year after it was released. Now a days movies are out of the theater in like a month and they're at Redbox in two. I think I'm already out of luck if I want to see X-Men Apocalypse for my birthday. Which is in a week, ugh.
This birthday is hitting me hard. Not just because I turn 40 but because I haven't been very happy lately. I miss all my friends, I'm in a bunch of physical pain like all the time, my kids are growing up WAY too fast, work is for suckers... I'd like to do some big blow out thing but I have zero energy to put into it and at this point it's too late. At least this year I was smart enough that I took the day off of work, I think I worked on my birthday last year and it was balls. You should never have to work on your birthday, it should be law. Someone get Obama on that. That would be a fantastic legacy.
I ordered a new power supply for my computer (the el cheapo one I bought 6 months ago has a bearing out and it sounds like a small lawnmower is powering my pc), it's supposed to arrive the day before my birthday. Maybe I'll just spend my birthday working on my PC, that's kind of fun. Does Baskin & Robbins still give you a free cone on your birthday?
Oh yeah, here's some Lego video that's kinda cool looking. I really like the little cap they gave Lego Black Panther for his ears.
This birthday is hitting me hard. Not just because I turn 40 but because I haven't been very happy lately. I miss all my friends, I'm in a bunch of physical pain like all the time, my kids are growing up WAY too fast, work is for suckers... I'd like to do some big blow out thing but I have zero energy to put into it and at this point it's too late. At least this year I was smart enough that I took the day off of work, I think I worked on my birthday last year and it was balls. You should never have to work on your birthday, it should be law. Someone get Obama on that. That would be a fantastic legacy.
I ordered a new power supply for my computer (the el cheapo one I bought 6 months ago has a bearing out and it sounds like a small lawnmower is powering my pc), it's supposed to arrive the day before my birthday. Maybe I'll just spend my birthday working on my PC, that's kind of fun. Does Baskin & Robbins still give you a free cone on your birthday?
Oh yeah, here's some Lego video that's kinda cool looking. I really like the little cap they gave Lego Black Panther for his ears.
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