Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Best of Star Wars on TV

It's Star Wars day, so here's a list of what I consider to be the best Star Wars TV shows. It's completely arbitrary and I don't do a great job recapping the episodes, enjoy!

1. Star Wars: Rebels
I'll be honest, I haven't seen every episode of Star Wars: Rebels but what I have seen I've enjoyed A TON. When it premiered I didn't get Disney XD so I had to catch it on random re-runs on the regular Disney channel and it was hard to keep up with. Even now that I get Disney XD it's not in HD so you know... first world problems. The 10 or so episodes I have seen are fantastic. It's definitely on my binge watch list. It's one of those shows that even if it wasn't attached to Star Wars and was just it's own thing I'd still totally watch. I'm really hoping a few of the characters from Rebels find their way into the new movies. That would be pretty sweet.

2. The Muppet Babies Star Wars Episode
There's plenty of people out there that think the Muppet Babies are the worst. Let me tell you, those people are the worst. The Star Wars episode of Muppet Babies, Gonzo's Video Show, was fantastic.

3. Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure
Again, there are plenty of Caravan of Courage haters out there. Those people can get bent. Caravan of Courage is fantastic. A Family crash lands on Endor, the children are separated from their parents and need the Ewoks help to find them. Sure it would have been cooler if the Ewoks had tried to eat the kids at least once but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

4. Lego Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out,
There's been a surprising amount of Lego Star Wars tv shows. The parody, The Empire Strikes Out is probably the best of them. There's some genuinely funny moments in it, there's a Han shot first joke bit in there that always makes me laugh.

5. The Muppet Show Star Wars Episode
When the Muppet Show was on TV I was just a bit too young to really get it. I mean I loved it, it was total destination TV for our family but after watching a few episodes recently there's zero way I got any of the jokes. I see that with my son now, there's shows he watches that he really gets into but you can tell so much of it is going over his head. Anyway, Pigs in Space with Luke Skywalker was rad.

6. Star Wars: Clone Wars
The mini series by Samurai Jack creator Genndy Tartakovsky was really good. So good that it pretty much ruined the other Clone Wars series for me. I mean I've heard it's pretty good once you get past the movie that kicks it all off, but it's no Tartakavsky so who cares?

7. Ewoks: The Battle for Endor
Unlike Caravan of Courage this movie is pretty terrible. It's like all of the worst aspects of Caravan of Courage turned up to 11. I don't know why I put it here. RIP Wilford Brimley, you'll always be my Postmaster General.

8. Star Wars Holiday Special
The Star Wars Holiday Special really is terrible. If you only watch like 10 minutes of it on youtube it can be pretty enjoyable in a watching a train wreck sort of way. The production quality is terrible, the writing is awful, the actors range from disinterested to drunk and or high. There's a famously terrible song sung by Carrie Fisher and an horrible looking animated cartoon that is only notable because it introduces Boba Fett. It's just the worst. Nathan Rabin of the AV Club famously wrote, "I'm not convinced the special wasn’t ultimately written and directed by a sentient bag of cocaine". It's really amazing that some studio exec at CBS saw the finished product and was like, sure lets put this on prime time network TV for 2 hours!




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