Here's Kirby Krackle, one of my favorite bands, with their new video The Day My Powers Arrived. In case I haven't blogged about this before they have a new album out that you should totally buy. At least give it a listen, it's really really good. Also if you haven't checked out Bandcamp before you should do it. These days I buy almost all my albums through them. Payment is super easy via paypal and you can get higher quality sound files than you find on Amazon or iTunes. Plus from what I've heard more money goes to the artist when you buy on Bandcamp.
That plug for Bandcamp dovetails nicely into some random musings/site business. Kyle Stevens, the lead singer for Kirby Krackle who I've met twice at ECCC so you know we're like best buds, recently posted something on his facebook page about being frustrated with websites that cater to us nerds not being very receptive to independent artists. His point being that without forward thinking independent artists we wouldn't have these amazing nerdy properties that we all love like Star Wars or The Walking Dead.
It's a fair point. In the race for #content there's not a lot of room for the unknown. It's funny, everyone wants to be the first to jump on the next big viral trend but nine times out of ten a site like is still going to go with what's already popular.
What's going to get more page views, an in depth analysis of Rick Remender and Sean Gordon Murphy's new sci-fi comic Tokyo Ghost or a list of top 10 facts about Star Wars that you probably already know? Number 6 is a shocker!
So what can I do about it? Well the first thing I can do is change the way I browse the net. Less Gizmodo and more ArsTechnica, Less Newsarama and more TheOuthousers, etc. It's a small thing but nothing is going to change if the sites that promote the same tired content are rewarded with pageviews. The second thing I can do is try to promote more independent stuff here. I feel like I already do a pretty good job of that with music but I can do better when it comes to the other stuff I post. I don't know, I'm just one man with a blog with like 20 regular readers and I'm pretty sure 10 of those are bots.
Anyhoo, you should really watch this video.
Garb: Greens
19 minutes ago
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