Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Humpty Dance Is Your Chance

Well this was a delightful surprise this afternoon. I'm doing the dreaded "just got back from vacation" and "about to get ready for vacation" combo at work this week. I definitely can use the pick me up.

...samoans do the humpty hump.. white people do the humpty hump...

2015 Emerald City Comicon Cosplay Rodeo!

via Cosplay Boom
Welcome to this years very un-official/official DevilDinosaur Emerald City Comicon Cosplay rodeo. It's a rodeo because I like typing rodeo more than I do roundup and really it's like the same thing anyway. I would HIGHLY encourage you to follow the links below each picture, many of these galleries are fantastic and. All the credit in the world goes out to the photographers and cosplayers this year.

A couple random notes: There were quite a few lady Thors this year, most of them were really elaborate and looked like a lot of work. Also a lot of Halo Spartans this year, in fact there were a lot of video game characters period. Halo, Borderlands, Destiny, League of Legends were all very well represented. The guy in the picture above dressed as one of the bugs from Starship Troopers was amazeballs.

My favorite two cosplayers were the Arkham City Scarecrow and Bombshell Black Canary (the last two pictures on the list). Both were just spot on recreations of really cool characters/outfits. My favorite group of cosplayers I saw was definitely the Princess Bride group. Their Fezzik and ROUS put them over the top, seriously they completely nailed it.

via KOMO News: Seattle Refined

via The Will Box

via Undiscovered Photography

via The Kaigan

via MafHoney

via Serpymatt

via Plainswalker Photography

via Seattle PI


via ZenithPrime

via Eurobeat Kasumi Photography

Monday, March 30, 2015

It's Never Your Friends

Yeah, I'm not going to get to that ECCC review post I was hoping to get to today. Here's a picture of a bridge and some funny words instead.

Fear the Walking Dead Teaser

You ready for a Walking Dead spinoff/prequel? Yeah me neither so I guess we both better start getting ready. I'm going to start by getting the oil changed in my car. Don't sleep on regularly scheduled maintenance.

Anyhoo Fear the Walking Dead looks to be a show set in LA during the initial Zombie outbreak. Could be good I guess. I don't know, I'm still reveling in my post Emerald City Comicon glow. I'll have some posts on that a bit later today and this week. So there's something to look forward to.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tie Fighter

I'm almost positive that I posted the teaser for this short film a year or two ago but I'm too lazy to look it up. Like 10 years ago they did these Star Wars Manga's there were pretty awesome adaptions of the original trilogy, I'd be totally down for an anime adaption too. Someone start working on that.

Ted Cruz is going to be great

Oh baby am I excited for Ted Cruz. I mean I'm not going to vote for him or anything, do I look that crazy. I'm excited by all the comedic opportunities that surround this man. It's like Herman Cain, Joe Biden and Sara Palin had some super ideological baby that does nothing but poop its pants and straight up murder crazy talking points. Plus he's Canadian. In a post birther world it doesn't really get any better than that.

There's so much great stuff in this video. The kids wearing Rand Paul shirts, the part where he tries to trick the kids into signing up for his call list, the crazy eyes. I'm not at all looking forward to the inevitable Clinton Administration 2.0 but I am SUPER looking forward to the Republican primaries. Come on Bobby Jindal get in there, you know you want to.

Friday, March 20, 2015

ECCC sure has a lot of guests canceling this year

Emerald City ComicCon (one week away, squee!) just announced that Jenna Coleman has had to cancel her appearance this year. That's like the 4th major cancellation they've had this year. Levar Burton, Morena Baccarin, Dante Basco (?), and Karen Allen have all had to cancel. Those are just the celebrity cancellations, JG Jones, Skottie Young, Josh Middelton, Fred Van Lente and a few other comic book professionals have had to cancel too. That kinda sucks.

For the most part ECCC has done a good job replacing the canceled guests. For instance Jewel Saite is going to be there in place of Morena Baccarin but you can understand that nerds would still be bummed. Now I can't even imagine the logistical nightmare booking a convention with 60,000 visitors so it's not like I fault the fine folks that run the convention. It is what it is. I guess for every cancellation that leads to more time and money devoted to other stuff, closed doors and open windows and all that.

Now If I could just get that jerk on eBay to cough up the $70 he owes me for the comics he bought I'd be sitting pretty for next Friday. Daddy's got sketchbooks to buy.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

New Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer

Turbo Kid is my Jam

The trailer for the movie Turbo Kid is taking SxSW by storm this week. Or maybe it isn't. Honestly everything about SxSW kind of intimidates me. It's like Comic-Con but only for cool kids that have heard of all these bands you've never heard of. Also everyone seems kinda rich. I don't know..

But Turbo Kid looks awesome. Lets all pick up some Surge and watch it when it hits blockbuster.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Controversy Links

Batgirl Variant Cover. If you follow me on twitter you know there's been this crazy hub-bub surrounding a Batgirl cover. I've read a lot of articles on the net about the cover but this one probably encapsulates the sound and the fury better than any of them. I've never read anything this guy has written before but he's so spot on it's crazy.

Atari devs dissect Yars’ Revenge, Adventure, Atari’s woes. Great article by ArsTechnica on the guy that developed Adventure. Even though I never understood that game when I was playing it as a 6 year old it's still worth a read.

Disney's Making A Brand New DuckTales Cartoon! This is old but the other article but who cares? HOORAY! Ducktales is one of the few cartoons from the 80s that still holds up really really well. I've watched a ton of it with my son. I'm glad they're doing a reboot, now I just have to hope DisneyXD gets moved over to the el-cheapo package on Dish. Come on Disney, flex some muscle.

Booth Babes And Sexy Cosplayers Are In Danger Of Being Completely Banned From Events. On second thought I'm going to go ahead and not put up a link to this article because it's complete horseshit from one of those gamergate douche-rockets. However, I've seen this damn thing pop up three times in my facebook feed so I thought I'd rant about it here anyway.

The basic conceit of the article is that PAX banning "booth babes" is the first step in banning cosplayers AND has an endgame of banning all forms of sexuality in everything. There's all kinds of handwringing over how attractive women are being oppressed and punished by fat chicks that can't handle all the sexy. It's so ridiculous I can't believe anyone would read it and take it seriously. BUT THEY HAVE.

On the Emerald City Comic Con facebook page there was this whole debate about it, never mind that ECCC banned booth babes YEARS ago and they do just fine cosplay-wise. Seriously, any convention that bans cosplayers might as well just pack up it's shit and head home.

The New MacBook is 90% Battery

Look at that thing... isn't that amazing? I bet it still only goes like 3 hours between charges. Oh, I'm sure it will last 2 or 3 days on standby but that's a garbage way to measure battery life. Just tell me how long it will last while I'm playing Half Life. That's how all batteries should be measured.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Eric Tries To Fit In

Wrestling Isn't Wrestling

This fan film by Max Landis (yes the son of John Landis and the screenwriter of Chronicle) on Professional Wrestling and Triple H is amazing. I know, I know it's 20 minutes long but I enjoyed the hell out of everyone of those 20 minutes. Professional wrestling is equal parts ridiculous and awesome and he really captures both. It's a must watch.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The NCAA

Before you fill out your bracket Here's this week with John Oliver to remind you that the NCAA can get bent.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Jedi Kittens Strike Back

Ugh, work has been crazy today. Here's some Star Wars cats.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

First Links

Senator on Internet Policy Subcommittee Has "Never Sent an Email". To quote Charlie Brown, Good Grief. This really shouldn't surprise anybody but obviously it has. There are all sorts of simple everyday tasks that you and I might do that politicians (especially life time ones like Graham) will never have to deal with. And this isn't a Left vs Right thing. Just today Hillary Clinton says she used a personal e-mail server for work because she didn't want to have to carry two phones. Because smart phones can only handle one e-mail address. Because it's still 2003.

Good Jorb America, way to democracy well.

Why America's Internet Is So Shitty and Slow. Speaking of the internet, here's another good read by Gizmodo that lays out (in real basic, basic terms) why US internet is so awful compared to oh I don't know pick a country. Japan, Korea, Finland, Ireland... wait? Ireland. Jeez that's kinda depressing.

Taurus First 24 Kit. What do you guys think? Is a kit like this a good idea to have just in case you need it or is it nonsense marketed to people who've seen too many episodes of Z Nation? Personally, I have a really terrible emergency kit in the house that's filled with food that probably expired 2 years ago. Is adding a gun insane or practical?

Eight Of The Strangest Animated TV Shows From The 1980s. Oh man, Kid Video was my jam. I LOVED that show. I wish it would show up on Netflix so I can torment my kids with it.

Celebrating gaming at PAX East 2015. PAX East was this last weekend, you know what that means? It's officially convention season! ECCC is right around the corner. This year things get serious. I've taken the day before the convention off just so I can prepare for Friday. Plus I've been ebaying my budget up the last few weeks. If things work out I'm going to walk out with a lot of cool swag on Sunday.

Daredevil: Trailer #2!

Hey kiddos here's the new trailer for Netflix's Daredevil series that every other geek blog is talking about right now. I'm sure Buzzfeed or Uproxx probably already has a "10 best gifs from the new Daredevil trailer" post up by now.

Am I taking crazy pills or do Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock look super young in this? Lawyers can't really be that young can they? Doesn't it take like 12 years of college to become a lawyer? Other than that this show looks pretty dope. It's the kind of show Marvel should have probably started with as opposed to Agents of SHIELD.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Unreal Tournament: Outpost 23 Trailer

A couple days ago I stumbled across this trailer for Unreal Tournament and it hit me right in the nostalgia button. I used to play A LOT of UT when it first came out back in 1999. Along with Team Fortress Classic it was one of the games I played the most when I finally got high speed internet. This trailer for the upcoming remake (which I guess you can already demo) looks just like how I remember UT looking just with fancy cool new graphics. I guess that's a good thing? Some classics are better left alone and all that.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Successful Links

What Does Your “Street Fighter 2” Character Say About You? As loathe as I am to post anything from buzzfeed this article has some truth to it. Also E. Honda is the best. If you time it properly (and you're playing SF2: Tournament Edition) you can destroy an enemy with a single combo. Jumping strong kick, strong kick, throw, hundred hand slap, drink your slurpee while your opponent cries.

12 Successful Kickstarters That Never Delivered. Here's why I would never give money to Kickstarter, there's no guarantee that your dollars will turn into the product you want. Don't get me wrong, I like that Kickstarter exists, I'm sure it's been quite the boon to people who couldn't get money through traditional venture capital means but It's not for me. If I'm going to spend 10 bucks on a video game It's going to be on steam and I'm going to be playing it immediately.

Leveling up the barcade: A visit to Chicago’s Pac-Man themed Level 257. Whooo Daddy, this Chicago barcade looks pretty sweet. I'm a big fan of Dorky's down in Tacoma but it's not exactly the classiest joint in the world.

Farewell, Bro: How Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye changed Marvel Comics. I'm not sure I'm down with saying Hawkeye changed Marvel Comics, I think it was more of the result of a shift in thinking at Marvel but whatever. Matt Fraction's Hawkeye was rad, if you're ever over at the house ask me to grab you some issues.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Octopus Escape!

Check this out. One of the Octopuses at the Seattle Aquarium tried to make a run for it. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids.

Personally I think he was just trying to do what the monitor beside the tank says. See, Touch and Explore.

I'll Never Have to Work Again

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer #3

About 51 minutes ago Marvel dropped the newest Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer on youtube. It's got a lot of new footage in it. It still looks really cool. That's my patented in depth analysis.

May 1st is right around the corner isn't it? I might have to start working on babysitting options right now, I can't imagine my wife is going to be cool with me just ditching her to go see it.

What if Wes Anderson directed an X-Men movie

Finally the answer to a question no one has ever asked. What would a Wes Anderson directed X-Men movie look like? Spoiler alert: It looks exactly like what you think it would.

Wes Anderson is an interesting director my views on him and Paul Thomas Anderson are pretty much the same. I LOVED their first couple movies and somehow someway have fallen off the bandwagon. I haven't even seen the last couple Wes Anderson movies, I guess that's my loss. I've heard Grand Budapest Hotel is really good. Maybe someday when the kids will leave me alone for a few minutes I'll catch up with all these movies I've missed. So 20 years?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How to La Parka

Found out today that one of my credit cards got HACKED. Luckily they didn't run up to many charges but my card did get declined at my son's preschool. That's not embarrassing at all.

As such I needed something to cheer myself up and who better to do that than the original chairman La Parka? Step one, Dance!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Sega vs Nintendo: Random Things You Should Know

I bookmarked this list of Random Things You Should Know about the Sega vs Nintendo feud a few weeks ago and now I completely forgot what's on it. I guess it's good, past me hasn't steered me wrong yet. Except when he bought that used Ford Probe... stupid past me.

Regular Car Reviews: 1999 Chevy Blazer

Have you ever watched a car review turn into a video essay on the 1990s? Well my friend you are in luck. This review of the 1999 Chevy Blazer by Regular Car Guys is less about the 25 year history of the Chevy V6 4.2 Vortec (although that's there) and more about the hope and optimism living in the year 1999 brought to Joe and Jane six pack. Even if you're barely interested in cars, this is worth the 8 minutes.


90210 Beastie Boys I'm out of ideas Jimmy Fallon advertising wizards alien amazon anne hathaway arkham city art awesome parenting awesome tv shows bad ideas bad ideas? batman battlefield 3 bioshock boobs books call of duty captain america cars cartoons cats catwoman cheerleaders christmas colbert report comic-con comics commercials community computer games computers conan o'brien cosplay crazy people cute animals cute kids deadpool diablo III dinosaurs diora baird disney doctor who dogs dungeons and dragons e3 espn failure fake trailers food funny things futurama game of thrones george lucas gi joe google gratuitous use of babes guns half life 2 halloween hard ticket to hawaii harry potter hbo hip-hop horrible tv shows idiots internet meme iron man it's always sunny in philadelphia japan is awesome jersey shore justified kevin smith legos lingerie football links lists local news lord of the rings lost marvel math mc chris megan fox michael Bay michael jackson monkeys movies music nbc nerdcore nerdery nerds nfl ninjas nintendo obama old computers olivia munn parks and rec people that need to shut it pin-ups piranha 3d pirates planet of the apes playboy playstaytion politics poor decisions porn prometheus prostitution? protesters random picture random simpsons reference red dead redemption robots ron swanson rumors sad nerds science seattle seinfeld sharks snow soccer spider-man star blazers star trek star wars super mario bros superman the apocalypse the avengers the blurst of times the daily show the future the interwebs the muppet show the simpsons the walking dead thor tmnt top gear total recall transformers tron tumblr tv shows twitter usmnt video games wags watchmen wish list wolverine wonder woman world cup wrestling x-box x-men xbox live zombies

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