Nike has a new commercial for the World Cup (or more specifically for shoes and jerseys associated with the World Cup) and it's pretty awesome. Maybe not as good as the addidas one from 2006 where the kids playing on a dirt field picked a bunch of allstars and legends like Zidane and Beckenbauer but it's close. Can you believe the World Cup is like six weeks away?
In other soccer related news my rec team played to a rousing come from behind 4-4 tie last night. The team we played was comprised of students from the University of Washington. Thank goodness they were kind of crap, running around chasing a bunch of kids like that is not fun at all. Wow, you can run around for 15 minutes without passing out, good for you. Guess what kid? the job market sucks, have fun living the next 20 years in debt.
Garb: Greens
55 minutes ago
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