Fox Business slams The Lego Movie for being Anti-Business. If you weren't aware the Lego movie made a bunch of gold bricks this weekend. Fox Business always in search of a new strawman went ahead and bashed the film for being anti-business. Go ahead and read the whole article, it's incredibly stupid and short sighted. Like I said it's about as strawman as their imagined war on football or Christmas. I really was just looking for an excuse to talk about the movie.
I didn't get to take my son to it this weekend, hopefully we'll get there soon. What I did get to do this weekend was take away his new Lego Movie Lego set last night because he was hitting and spitting. Man that went over well. I totally understand why kids these days are all shitheads. Actually punishing your kids SUCKS, it's the worst. Usually it ruins whatever fun time you're trying to have, the kid (who you love, obviously) is crying and screaming and when it's all said and done it's not like you see immediate results. Half the time the kid can't even explain to you why he was punished. I blame the demycrats.
“What’s His Real Name Again?” Admit it, the first time you heard of Benedict Cumberbatch you couldn't remember his name either. Just those dream blue eyes you could get lost in forev... I mean chicks. I like chicks. boobs.
American Luger Kate Hansen Prepares for Races by Dancing. Kate Hansen might have zero hope of winning a medal in Sochi but on the internet she's already won gold.
Be A Love Jedi With These Star Wars Valentine Gift Ideas. I'll admit it I went straight for the moneyshot with this one. They have some ugly Star Wars jewelry and some chocolates but who cares about those when there's a Star Wars vibrator? There's no way that it really exists but there's also no way I'm clinking through on the link they have. I'm 99.9% sure I don't have a firewall sturdy enough to keep out whatever malware they attach to star wars pornography.
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