Valve announces free operating system SteamOS. It's linux based and it's primarily a streaming service designed for living rooms. Supposedly they already have some big name publisher and games lined up. I'll eat my hat if on Wednesday they don't announce Half-Life 3 or at the very least Half Life 2: Episode 3.
I'm not 100% sure this is the game changer the internet is making it out to be or if this is just away for Valve to push Steam onto smart TVs and Roku like devices.
I Sold Too Many Copies of GTA V To Parents Who Didn't Give a Damn. Ugh parents are the worst. Seriously, I let my kid play a lot of video games and watch a lot of cartoons and youtube clips on line but I'm always paying attention to what he's watching and if it's inappropriate I steer him somewhere else. I just can't fathom the kind of disengagement that would lead to a parent thinking it's ok for a 12 year old to play any Grand Theft Auto game.
The Cat(woman)’s Pajamas - Yes, You Can Now Go To Bed As Catwoman. I'm totes getting this for my wife for Christmas. In semi-related news on the evening of December 25th I will be sleeping on the couch.
Ten DC Characters Who Will Never Be Seen in Live-Action. JK, Wonder Woman isn't on the list. But she should be. Marvel comics is making a movie about an anamorphic racoon with a giant gun before DC can get around to putting together an honest effort on a Wonder Woman movie.
My guess is that if Superman/Batman is successful DC will roll out most of the Justice League in a similar fashion. A Batman movie with Green Arrow in it. A Superman movie with Wonder Woman. A team up movie with Flash and Batman and Green Lantern.. Essentially they're too scared to have another Green Lantern flop on their hands soeverything will be tied to one of the two successes they've had in the last decade.
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