The PS4 is going to be $100 cheaper, it's going to allow used games and its not going to require an internet connection. To be fair there's a lot more going on with these consoles than price point and DRM but those are two very big issues. Sometime later this week I'll try and do a comparison of the two consoles (or maybe just link to one) but it's not looking good for Microsoft. All things being equal I would say that gamers would gravitate towards the console with the best games. Microsoft clearly won the day on games but Sony definitely did its best to show that the two consoles were not going to be equal.
Oh yeah, mini rant here for Battlefield 4 premiering it's new exclusive to Xbox live DLC pack 5 months BEFORE THE GAME IS EVEN OUT! Pretty soon all press conferences will be for DLC packs and people will be like "when is the game coming out" and they'll be like "shut up and just buy the DLC!".
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