The Future Of TV May Not Be Worth It. Man I'm tired of net nerds screaming for ala carte cable pricing. I get it, you only watch Hulu and Netflix and would pay 10 dollars a month for an HBO Go Subscription, well la di freaking da. There are still a lot of people (like me) who can't get any local channels over the air because of where they live and even more that don't have access to reliable broadband. Lets face it most 'muricans just want to sit on the couch hit one button and flip though channels until their brain is nice and mushy. Just read the article, it's the best analysis of the entire cable tv situation I've seen in quite a while.
Works that should be in the Public Domain. When I bookmarked this I really thought this list would have more interesting movies and books than it really does. Oh well, it's still interesting to read about copyright law, right? Seriously, I think it's interesting. I guess I'm weird that way.
29 Albums that are now 20 years old. Vs is 20 year old and it's Pearl Jam's SECOND record. Wow, when do I start getting social security checks and discounts at Denny's.
Who is that Hot Ad Girl? Ever seen an actress in a commercial and wondered "who is that" but been to lazy to actually go to the google machine and try and find her? Well then, today is your lucky day!
Runequest Humble Bundle
27 minutes ago
1. I think I recognized about two of the commercials on that site, I guess I need to start watching more TV.
2. That channel article is pretty much spot on. It's two things, licensing and profit. Networks make huge money selling their content to cable providers, there's no reason for them to break things apart. Second, as mentioned cable is pretty much printing money. People don't realize Comcast bought 51% of NBC Universal- in cash. Wiki NBC Universal to see just how much that entails. BTW, NBC Universal was their second choice because ABC was too stubborn. !!!
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