Shut it down! This is the only song you'll need this Thanksgiving, or any Thanksgiving really. It's better than all those other Thanksgiving songs like... um there's that one about the pilgrims, and um...
Anyhoo, this is another one of those teen vanity songs done by the guys that did Friday. It's pretty awesome and I'm guessing you're going to hear it a lot between now and November 22nd. Watch it now and in a week you can brag to all your friends that you've been rocking out to it for like forever man.
BTW, what kind of awesome Thanksgiving is it when it's just you, your teenage best friends and a middle aged African american fellow dressed in a Turkey costume? That's a world I want to live in.
Runequest Humble Bundle
24 minutes ago
Yeah, not gonna touch this one at all.
It's the little details that really set this video apart. Like the fact that they're having mac and cheese for Thanksgiving, or that they didn't get enough regular chairs so there's one guy sitting on a stool at the corner of the table. It's just so perfect.
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