How to Explain your favorite show to different people. The only problem here is that they're assuming your nerdy friend hasn't already read all the books and torrented every episode. Also good luck with the cute puppy angle, I'm pretty sure when they start killing babies in the second season those puppies are going to help your cause.
There's like 3 more of these so make sure you click through.
Here's the new Robocop Suit. Yeesh. It looks like they went to TJ Maxx and picked up a suit that was originally meant for GI Joe 2. There's nothing here that makes me think he's an actual cyborg as opposed to some guy in a goofy suit. Oh well, it's not like anyone thought this was going to be any good.
10 Ridiculous DOS Game Covers with Celebrities on Them. This whole article makes me miss PC gaming in the 80s and 90s. I'm sure if I went back now and played The Horde or Police Quest they would be terrible. I'll just have to drown my nostalgia with a heavy dose of Borderlands 2. Have I talked about Borderlands 2 lately?
Can you guess the prices from this 1996 Best Buy Flyer. Some of these prices are pretty eye opening. I'm pretty sure my parents had that Toshiba 100mhz Pentium Laptop in the flyer, I had no idea they made that kind of money.
Garb: Greens
1 hour ago
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