Real life Quidditch wants to be taken seriously. And I want to be taller but I don't see that happening anytime soon. God bless these nerds for getting outside and enjoying their goofy ass sport but don't expect anyone to take you serious as long as you're ridding a broom chasing a quaffle.
A lot of People are torrenting Game of Thrones. I'll be curious if this finally changes HBO's business model. Making non subscribers wait for the DVDs used to work with the Sopranos when other options weren't as readily available. But now HBO is leaving millions on the table by not having episodes available for download before they are on DVD.
It's just so easy to torrent stuff these days, people will pay for convenience and security, iTunes is a perfect example of that, but they're not willing to wait.
Why West Virginia stuck $22,600 routers in small libraries. Just your average story about a State with federal dollars to spend. A politician decides a school with 200 students should have just as nice of equipment as a school with 2,000 students, probably cause that sounds nice in a press release. Now libraries with just a few computers are using routers designed for a small college. USA USA USA
25 things to do this summer as illustrated by dogs. I'm going to try and do at least 3 of these things this weekend.
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