How Gamers are ruining Gaming. Oh man, this times a thousand. I love on line gaming, especially first person shooters like Call of Duty and Halo, but The amount of assholes you have to wade through to find a lobby of normal people is maddening. People yelling fag, homo and noob isn't as bad on Battlefield 3 as it is on say Halo, but you still get plenty of people who are just looking to ruin the experience for everyone else. I blame all the rap music kids are listening to these days.
Why Big Bang Theory Reruns Are One of the Most Powerful Forces on Cable. I knew Big Bang Theory was popular but I had no idea it was this popular. I hope non-nerds aren't just watching it to make fun of nerds. If they are I think they'll be very disappointed when they meet some nerds in real life. For instance, I rarely wear my comic book t-shirts to work.
It's a game of Thrones House Party. HBO released a promo video for all the major houses in Game of Thrones. It's cool and all but they reuse a lot of footage from the first season, so it's not that cool.
6 Psychotic Punishments Doled out by Superheroes. Some of these are Brutal. I'm starting to think the whole superhero registration act wasn't that bad of an idea.
Mike Stone's Superintendent says Porn Star can't come to Prom. Update to yesterday's story about the kid that asked all those Porn Stars to his prom. One said yes, and then the school said no. I thought we lived in 'murica not communist france!
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