Here's the trailer for the Dark Knight Rises done completely in Legos. At this point I think it's safe to assume that any movie trailer is going to get the Lego treatment at some point. As much as I enjoy these I wish some uber-nerd would branch out and do one of these in something other than Lego. Maybe Capsula or Robotix, now that would be awesome.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Game of Ponies
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, March 30, 2012 |
Filed Under:
cable tv,
game of thrones,
my little pony

Were you aware that My Little Pony is back? Not only are they back they've got this whole male fan base called Bronys, they have conventions and everything. I find the whole thing incredibly unsettling, however this resurgence has led to this Game of Thrones/My Little Pony mash-up. So I guess the Bronys are ok in my book.. as long as they stay 50 yards away from my son.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
60% of the time Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, March 29, 2012 |
Filed Under:
gratuitous use of babes,
random anchorman reference,

Seriously though, this is a really interesting article.

Grown Up Alien Ninja Turtles
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, March 29, 2012 |
Filed Under:
awesome songs,
michael Bay,
teenage mutant ninja turtles

If you've been paying any attention to the blog this week, you already know Michael Bay is producing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie called Ninja Turtles where the turtles are from space (don't worry bro, the backstory will be rich and complex), also they're not really teenagers they just act like it.
I thought it was a bad idea until I saw the new intro. I think it's pretty sweet.
I thought it was a bad idea until I saw the new intro. I think it's pretty sweet.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
That's a dozen red cards
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 |
Filed Under:
girls are crazy,

Sweet Christmas, this video is the balls. There's no real set up, it's a high school soccer game and a girl gets fouled. She then decided to take like 20 pounds of flesh from the chick that tripped her.
Of course it all ends on a happy note, the girl doing all the punching was charged with 3rd degree assault.
Of course it all ends on a happy note, the girl doing all the punching was charged with 3rd degree assault.
Safety Not Guaranteed
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 |
Filed Under:
internet meme,
time travel

If there's two things I'm a sucker for it's movies about time travel and movies set in Seattle. If there's a third thing I'm a sucker for it's Fun Dip. Man that stuff is awesome. When you're done you get to eat the stick! It took me forever to figure out that the stick tastes like cream soda.
Anyhoo, here's a trailer for a new movie called Safety Not Guaranteed, based on an internet meme from like forever ago. It stars that guy from The new Girl, that girl from Parks and Rec and that guy from the League. It's like a indie film supergroup. I'll bet you money I don't see it in the theater complain that America is stupid when it tanks and then love it when it comes out on DVD. I call that move the Scott Pilgrim.
Anyhoo, here's a trailer for a new movie called Safety Not Guaranteed, based on an internet meme from like forever ago. It stars that guy from The new Girl, that girl from Parks and Rec and that guy from the League. It's like a indie film supergroup. I'll bet you money I don't see it in the theater complain that America is stupid when it tanks and then love it when it comes out on DVD. I call that move the Scott Pilgrim.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Some people stand in the Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 |
Filed Under:
gratuitous use of babes,
the hunger games,
tv shows,

btw, was there a hotter woman on TV in 1991 than Erika Eleniak?

A trailer for the Total Recall Trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 |
Filed Under:
arnold schwarzenegger,
bad ideas?,
total recall

I'll give the producers of the Total Recall remake a bit of credit. Having a trailer for your trailer premier seems like a very Philip K Dick thing to do.
I've been thinking about it and I'm not really that upset that they remade Total Recall. I mean Total Recall was awesome and it still is. If this new movie sucks it's not going to make the Arnold version any worse is it? It's not like we're dealing with a sequel, or prequel, intended to add or subtract from the original movies mythos. It's a complete reboot and I guess it's supposed to be more true to the book. I say why not? It's not like it's Michael Bay ruining Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or anything. Damn you Michael Bay! Stop pissing all over the toys of my youth!
I've been thinking about it and I'm not really that upset that they remade Total Recall. I mean Total Recall was awesome and it still is. If this new movie sucks it's not going to make the Arnold version any worse is it? It's not like we're dealing with a sequel, or prequel, intended to add or subtract from the original movies mythos. It's a complete reboot and I guess it's supposed to be more true to the book. I say why not? It's not like it's Michael Bay ruining Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or anything. Damn you Michael Bay! Stop pissing all over the toys of my youth!
The Mother effing Pterodactyl
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 |
Filed Under:
awesome songs,
the oatmeal

This video by The Oatmeal and Sarah Donner is amazing. My son LOVED it! He was dancing and everything. Then I realized he's starting to learn more words everyday and I think his days of watching youtube clips filled with swears is swiftly coming to an end. Oh well, it was a amazing ride.
Monday, March 26, 2012
and there goes your net neutrality
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, March 26, 2012 |
Filed Under:
the interwebs,
xbox live

Why is that really such a big deal? Comcast would argue that they're providing the same service, via their own internet pipes, that they already provide using their cable pipes (yes it's the same pipe, and yes I know it's not a real pipe). Making sure the Xfinity on Demand service isn't restricted by a bandwidth cap is just good business, right? Well it might be good for Comcast but it's not so good for Netflix or Blockbuster or Pandora or Vimeo or Youtube or really anyone else that streams anything on the internet.
It's a slippery slope my friends. Sure it starts with a data cap, but next year maybe it's an "optimization" for Xfinity on demand followed by an optimization for devices that use Xfinity on demand like your iPad and your Xbox (but not your PS3 or your xoom tablet). Before you know it blogger loads 3 times faster than wordpress, and CBS online looks like dogshit because it's constantly buffering.
But hey that's the free market, right? If Comcast doesn't give the people what they want the people will just go to the next cable internet provider. Oh yeah, there isn't one because local counties sell their cable rights to a single bidder. USA USA USA!
Game of Thrones: Nowhere to hide
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, March 26, 2012 |
Filed Under:
cable tv,
enough already,
game of thrones,

Ok, so this new trailer for season 2 of Game of Thrones is really just a 30 second TV spot. Still.. it's pretty awesome.
I'm only a third of the way through the second book but I swear if this doesn't end with Tyrion riding on the back of a dragon burning all the other Lannisters (and Sansa) with fire I'm going to be pissed.
I'm only a third of the way through the second book but I swear if this doesn't end with Tyrion riding on the back of a dragon burning all the other Lannisters (and Sansa) with fire I'm going to be pissed.
Doctor Who Season 7 trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, March 26, 2012 |
Filed Under:
awesome tv shows,
british things,
doctor who

About 6 months ago my wife and I dropped Comcast and switched to Dish network for our cable TV needs. It was purely a price issue. Dish had the absolute cheapest monthly rate for HD service with a DVR. Of course that meant giving up AMC and BBC America so I never got to see the second half of the sixth season of Doctor Who (or the Christmas special for that matter). Now I have to wait for it on netflix like a sucker.
Anyhoo, here's the trailer for season 7. It's looks incredibly bad-ass.
Anyhoo, here's the trailer for season 7. It's looks incredibly bad-ass.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Facebook might sue that guy that didn't hire you
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, March 23, 2012 |
Filed Under:
not legal,
real work sucks

I posted something a while ago about how a growing number of employers use Facebook to weed out applicants, or maybe I didn't. I can't find the post to link to, so maybe it's something I just meant to post. Either way corporate America just took turned that shit up to 11. Take it away ars technica:
Facebook has taken a stand against what it calls a "distressing increase" in reports of employers demanding the Facebook passwords of employees and job applicants.
One such report came from the Associated Press this week, which detailed cases of interviewers asking applicants for Facebook usernames and passwords, a clear invasion of privacy if we've ever heard of one. Employers examining applicants' and employees' activity on social media networks isn't new—but typically it is restricted to what information users have made publicly available to everyone. Facebook said it could seek policy changes or file lawsuits to prevent employers from demanding passwords.
via ars technia
Now I'm not a fancy law er but it seems like there is no way this is legal. Once upon a time I was in a position where I had to hire and fire people (pro tip: if you cry while I'm trying to fire you, I will totally cave) and there were all these rules about what you could ask and what you couldn't say when you were interviewing someone. What kind of giant Michael bay's Devastator's brass balls does someone have to have to ask for your Facebook password on an interview? Why stop there? Why not ask for your e-mail password, your ATM pin or your wife's favorite drink?
I'm implying they want the password to your wife's pants...
never mind.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wrap these links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, March 22, 2012 |
Filed Under:
big bang theory,
cable tv,
game of thrones,
video games

Why Big Bang Theory Reruns Are One of the Most Powerful Forces on Cable. I knew Big Bang Theory was popular but I had no idea it was this popular. I hope non-nerds aren't just watching it to make fun of nerds. If they are I think they'll be very disappointed when they meet some nerds in real life. For instance, I rarely wear my comic book t-shirts to work.

The X-Men Disappoint Magneto
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, March 22, 2012 |
Filed Under:
real work sucks,
video games,

You know there's some huge Dazzler fan out there that just thinks this is crap. They're all like "Back in Uncanny X-Men issue #285 Dazzler beat the Juggernaut single handedly, so she is quite the formidable foe. She certainly would have more chance doing damage to Magneto that Wolverine or Nightcrawler would"... Nerds.
Story Time: Thanks in part to the numerous arcade emulators available, I beat the X-Men Arcade game just a couple years ago one slow Friday at work. I'm guessing the people in my office thought I was really killing those TPS reports that day.
Story Time: Thanks in part to the numerous arcade emulators available, I beat the X-Men Arcade game just a couple years ago one slow Friday at work. I'm guessing the people in my office thought I was really killing those TPS reports that day.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Walking Dead Videogame looks boooring
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 |
Filed Under:
the walking dead,
video games,

I'm 99.9 percent sure the only reason we're seeing a Walking Dead video game is that last year Robert Kirkman saw the trailer for Dead Island and thought he could do better (wrong).
I think this is an xBox live arcade game, at least I hope it is 'cause it looks awful. I get that they're aiming for "a comic book come to life" look with all the cell shading, the problem is that The Walking Dead comic doesn't look anything like this. If they were actually using Charlie Adlard's art as a reference point then someone needs to get fired.
I think this is an xBox live arcade game, at least I hope it is 'cause it looks awful. I get that they're aiming for "a comic book come to life" look with all the cell shading, the problem is that The Walking Dead comic doesn't look anything like this. If they were actually using Charlie Adlard's art as a reference point then someone needs to get fired.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Links in a half shell

Monday, March 19, 2012
That one scene you like, It sucks
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, March 19, 2012 |
Filed Under:
cardboard tube fighting,
george lucas,
star wars

As it turns out when you slow down the only cool scene in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace it sucks.
I would really like to see the same kind of breakdown for the final battle in return of the Jedi. There's a lot less jumping and ducking and acting like an idiot in that scene, I bet it holds up way better than this.
I would really like to see the same kind of breakdown for the final battle in return of the Jedi. There's a lot less jumping and ducking and acting like an idiot in that scene, I bet it holds up way better than this.
Abe Honestly hates these Vampires
Here's the second trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. It still looks redonkulously fun.
Do you supposed the guy that wrote the book heard little tiny cash register noises every time he typed a letter? I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't make it past typing the title without a studio exec showing up at his house with a suitcase full of cash.
Also I really hope this becomes a franchise. Like every year we get a different president fighting a different sort of monster. Calvin Coolidge: Sasquatch Tracker, William Taft: Moleman Destroyer, Richard Nixon: Alien Assassin, etc.
Do you supposed the guy that wrote the book heard little tiny cash register noises every time he typed a letter? I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't make it past typing the title without a studio exec showing up at his house with a suitcase full of cash.
Also I really hope this becomes a franchise. Like every year we get a different president fighting a different sort of monster. Calvin Coolidge: Sasquatch Tracker, William Taft: Moleman Destroyer, Richard Nixon: Alien Assassin, etc.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
New Prometheus trailer
Sweet Christmas this movie looks the bomb diggity. I think I've mentioned this before, my favorite scene in Alien is when the crew of the Nostromo enters the alien ship and encounters the Space Jockey. Not only does Prometheus look awesome all on it's own, but I'm totally pumped to find out the back story of the Space Jockey.
It might sounds crazy, considering the boxes and boxes of comics I own, but I think I'm looking forward to this movie more than The Avengers.
It might sounds crazy, considering the boxes and boxes of comics I own, but I think I'm looking forward to this movie more than The Avengers.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Lollipop Chainsaw vs the Bosses of Zombie Rock
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, March 16, 2012 |
Filed Under:
lollipop chainsaw,
video games,

Lollipop Chainsaw has another new trailer, and it's just to bizarre not to share. In it we get a sneak peak at some of the bosses the game has to offer. One in particular shouts swear words that materialze and attack you.
That's pretty cool.
That's pretty cool.
Today was a good day
Here's scenes from Ice Cube the movie star mashed up with songs from Ice Cube the rap legend.
A. Straight out of Compton is still a great song.
B. Ice Cube is a terrible actor.
A. Straight out of Compton is still a great song.
B. Ice Cube is a terrible actor.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
These Links might be it for the day
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, March 15, 2012 |
Filed Under:
celebrities are idiots,
harry potter,
video games

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
In the Face!
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 |
Filed Under:
little kids getting beaned in the head,

If you had told me yesterday, when I was all mopey and depressed about the futility of life, that today I would get to use my "little kids getting beaned in the head" tag twice I would have told you "meh"... yesterday really sucked.
the dirtiest 12 year old soccer player in the world
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 |
Filed Under:
dirty play,
little kids getting beaned in the head,

First off let me apologize for the awful quality of this video. It literally looks like someone captured it with their camera off a computer screen playing the video. However if you can get past that, and the 20-30 seconds of boredom at the beginning you'll find glorious video of some 12 year old just crushing kids on a soccer field in Hong Kong. If you really want just skip to the 1:36 mark where he kicks some poor kid in the head.
story time: Last week my rec team was getting blasted 4-1, 5-1 something like that. None of our midfielders (except you Guenna) were getting back on defense and when we actually gained possession of the ball we couldn't string 2 passes together. Hell, we couldn't string one pass together. Anyhoo, this one guy on the other team had 3 goals and after the third I decided that the next time he got the ball I was going to foul him, hard. Now I've never been a dirty player, it's been years since my last yellow card, but there's only so many step-overs and pull backs you can take from a guy before you start to lose it. Especially when the game is essentially over and the rest of your team has decided that defense is for sissies.
Long story long, I tried to trip the guy (in the box no less!) and I very unexpectedly got all ball. It was the most disappointing clean tackle I've ever made.
story time: Last week my rec team was getting blasted 4-1, 5-1 something like that. None of our midfielders (except you Guenna) were getting back on defense and when we actually gained possession of the ball we couldn't string 2 passes together. Hell, we couldn't string one pass together. Anyhoo, this one guy on the other team had 3 goals and after the third I decided that the next time he got the ball I was going to foul him, hard. Now I've never been a dirty player, it's been years since my last yellow card, but there's only so many step-overs and pull backs you can take from a guy before you start to lose it. Especially when the game is essentially over and the rest of your team has decided that defense is for sissies.
Long story long, I tried to trip the guy (in the box no less!) and I very unexpectedly got all ball. It was the most disappointing clean tackle I've ever made.
Ultimate Tazer Ball is a thing
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 |
Filed Under:
bad ideas,
EXTREME sports,
the future

It's official, I've decided to take my talents to the local Ultimate Tazer Ball team. What? Kent doesn't have an Ultimate Tazer Ball team? We have minor league hockey, lingerie football, a frisbee golf course in the park that the green river killer dumped a couple bodies but no Ultimate Tazer Ball? That's an outrage! I'm outraged. I swear if I don't get to play some Ultimate Tazer ball soon I'm going to start tazering people at random, right after I throw a hilariously over sized soccer ball at their face of course.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Battlefield 3, before and after
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 |
Filed Under:
battlefield 3,
video games

I'm pumped for two reasons. Frist is that I suck at the vehicles in Battlefield 3. Sure it's cool that they're there and I've actually racked up my longest kill streak in an M1-A1, but overall I prefer the smaller maps. Second is.. would you look at that enviromental damage in the picture above?! Blowing through a wall and killing a dude is my favorite part of the operation metro map. Also it reminds me of a level in Red Faction 2, where you storm an office building and just blow everything to pieces. I can not wait to wreck shop.
Also there's 10 new weapons, so you know, that's cool. Catch the new trailer here. Catch me on xBox live user tag KevFun, I'll be the guy shooting at empty cubicles.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Batman and Robin the Musical
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, March 12, 2012 |
Filed Under:
arnold schwarzenegger,

So we all know Batman and Robin is pretty much one of the worst comic book movies of all time. However, as it turns out it's a fantastic musical.
BTW, the Mr Freeze suit in Batman and Robin looks just like the one in Arkham City. I would pay a million xBox live points to get have every character in Arkham City Schumachered.
BTW, the Mr Freeze suit in Batman and Robin looks just like the one in Arkham City. I would pay a million xBox live points to get have every character in Arkham City Schumachered.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Snap into these links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, March 09, 2012 |
Filed Under:
george lucas,
star trek,
star wars,

BioShock Infinite's Heavy Hitters will hit you heavily
This is sort of a new trailer for BioShock Infinite. There's about 20 seconds of game footage and like 2 minutes of nerds talking about robot George Washington or something. It looks awesome. I never did play BioShock 2 but I loved the first one. I've been told that the story for 2 wasn't as good, but the fighting mechanics were better. I think I might just skip it and go straight to Infinite.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
These Links Graduate

The never changing iPad proposition. This is something to think about before you start going on and on about how awesome "the new iPad" is. I get it, it's another iPad and it's a cool way to play angry birds. Thanks.

Trucker's Friend. And we have a winner for greatest zombie/robot/carrot-top apocalypse weapon ever. This all-purpose, all-in-one tool incorporates an axe, spanner, hammer, nail puller, tire chain hook, pry bar, and lever into one bad-ass looking mama-jamma.

Looking good Pop-pop
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 |
Filed Under:
advertising wizards,

This commercial for is effing fantastic. If I hadn't just bought a super fancy Norelco with 3d floating head technology I'd sign up in a heartbeat.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Rush Limbaugh is a giant slut hooker
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 |
Filed Under:
colbert report,
people that need to shut it,

The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
For whatever horrible sadistic reason I've yet to put a finger on, I listen to a lot of talk radio. Over the last couple days it's amazing how many right wing talking heads have come to Rush's defense. Oh they pretend to not defend him, but they do. They say he shouldn't have used the words slut or prostitute but then they immediately start excusing what he did. He's a comedian you have to give him some leeway. People on the left say hurtful things all the time. Obama's a secret Muslim terrorist, etc. It's not what he said it's how he said it that's the problem. Which when you listen to what he's implying is complete horseshit. We can have a very serious and frank argument about what should and shouldn't be covered by public insurance, but what we shouldn't do is write off everyone concerned about the availability of birth control as degenerates and sinners. It's not the fact that he called this woman a slut, its the fact that he equates birth control with slutting it up that's really offensive.
It's figuratively driving me insane. Thank God for Stephen Colbert.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Assassin's Creed III will tomahawk chop you with joy
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, March 05, 2012 |
Filed Under:
assasins creed,
george washington,
random simpsons reference,
video games

If you're lucky enough to have 3 monies and no kids you've probably already bought, played and are bored with Mass Effect 3. Well lucky you, you lucky jerk, because here comes Assassins Creed III.
Truth be told I'm not a huge Assassins Creed fan. I have the second one and I played it for all of 30 minutes. I could never really get into the controls, which looking back on it seems kind of weird because it's pretty similar to Batman Arkham City, which I love. Maybe it's time to pop the game back in and give it another try. Oh yeah, This trailer for Assassins Creed III looks amazing.
Truth be told I'm not a huge Assassins Creed fan. I have the second one and I played it for all of 30 minutes. I could never really get into the controls, which looking back on it seems kind of weird because it's pretty similar to Batman Arkham City, which I love. Maybe it's time to pop the game back in and give it another try. Oh yeah, This trailer for Assassins Creed III looks amazing.
Would you hit it?
Would you hit it episode #14 answers many of life's greatest questions. Like what would happen if you hit a spool of CDs with a baseball bat, or what would happen if you hit a grapefruit with a baseball bat, or what would happen if you hit a bag of corn starch with a baseball bat?
I guess we'll have to wait for episode #15 to find out what would happen if you hit a bag of nuts with a baseball bat... or will we?
I guess we'll have to wait for episode #15 to find out what would happen if you hit a bag of nuts with a baseball bat... or will we?
When you play the Game of Thrones you get a new trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, March 05, 2012 |
Filed Under:
game of thrones,
tv shows

New week I'm just changing the name of the blog to TrailerDinosaur, because that seem to be all I'm showing these days. Wait, I just checked the domain name is taken. I assume it's former NBA star Robert "Tractor" Traylor's adviceblog on raising and training dinosaurs. Which is weird because he spells his last name differently. Oh well, I'm too busy to investigate any further.
BTW, damn you HBO and your 20 dollars a month fee. This looks awesome.
BTW, damn you HBO and your 20 dollars a month fee. This looks awesome.
Another Mass Effect 3 trailer
Holy crap, will this game just come out already? This is like Battlefield 3 all over again. I swear Bioware finished the game a year ago and has spent the last 12 months just coming up with new trailers.
Friday, March 2, 2012
These are the Links you're looking for

Hot Tub Boat. Call it a tub-job.
Heroes in a stop motion half shell
Is it just me or does it seem like it's been a youtube heavy week? Well here's another one. This is a pretty amazing recreation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tv show intro all done with stop motion animation.
Way way back in the day my friend Jimmy Kim and I made a couple of stop motion mini movies using GI Joe figures. I actually used one of them for a history project, it had something to do with Native Americans attacking a fort in Oregon. I got a C.
Way way back in the day my friend Jimmy Kim and I made a couple of stop motion mini movies using GI Joe figures. I actually used one of them for a history project, it had something to do with Native Americans attacking a fort in Oregon. I got a C.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Kate Upton eats a royal with cheese
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, March 01, 2012 |
Filed Under:
fast food,
gratuitous use of babes,
kate upton

Even though he's trying to hide it by not coming into work today, it's Mike's Birthday. As a gift here's a video of Kate Upton eating a burger very sexy like, which really is the only proper way to eat a burger. I don't want to tell you how many times I've not gone to McDonalds because I forgot my high heeled shoes...
.. I've said too much.
.. I've said too much.
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