Battlefield 3 patch coming soon. What you see above is a player being blinded by a flashlight, in the daytime, from like 20 yards away. It's my biggest gripe with the weapons in the game. Apparetly EA is going to fix it via patch. Now if they can just fix people driving off with the jeep before I get a chance to hop in we'd be golden.
The Rise and Fall of the fake Jack and Jill twitter. Remember when Adam Sandler used to make good movies? Ok, they were never that good but at least they were funny. What the hell happened, did he stop doing drugs or something?
The best of the pepper spraying cop meme. I know everyone has seen these by now, but I didn't have time to post this yesterday. Every once in a while real life interferes with the matrix.
Neo Geo made of wood. These wooden Neo Geos are gorgeous, of course they're as expensive as they look. 600 bones for the system and another couple hundred for the sticks. That's a lot of money just to play King of Fighters.
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