Here's probably the only thing I'll be posting from Comic-Con this weekend. It's a sneak peak at the new Beavis and Butthead. I guess the new format of the show is going to have them watching clips from MTVs reality shows instead of videos, which I guess is a good idea. The humor here feels a bit dated, but who am I to complain? Beavis and Butthead do America is one of my favorite movies and King of the Hill is one of my favorite shows so really in my eyes Mike Judge can do no wrong (Extract never happened).
I hate to get all hipstery up in here but while we're almost on the subject of Comic-con, man am I over Comic-Con. Yesterday I found out a friend of mine was going there to take part in some reality TV panel. It made me more upset than when my doctor told me my crotch gout was back.

I'm starting to get the feeling he got his medical degree at the same place Dr. Nick Riviera got his. At least this time he prescribed me a bunch of super muscle relaxers. Technically my body is at work, but my mind is totally somewhere else.. I was riding a whole team of horses on the ocean, the skin of the water man...
I don't know about this this, I'm still pissed they took all the videos out of the reruns and dvds. Hands down the funniest part are when they are mocking the videos, hopefully they get this one right and include lots of reality tv mockery.
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