"I have similar reactions in a different kind of sports. But, never, the vocabulary never so rude,"
She also said that during practice she felt like players were throwing footballs in her direction to get her attention.

Is it really a big story? Probably not, I mean it doesn't sound like guys were waving their dongs at her or anything. She seemed to handle the situation very professionally, and honestly if this didn't happen in New York with the Rex Ryan and the Jets it probably wouldn't have become a national story.

Of course that's before Clinton Portis/Sheriff Gonna Getcha chimed in.
"You know man, I think you put women reporters in the locker room in positions to see guys walking around naked, and you sit in the locker room with 53 guys, and all of the sudden you see a nice woman in the locker room, I think men are gonna tend to turn and look and want to say something to that woman. For the woman, I think they make it so much that you can't interact and you can't be involved with athletes, you can't talk to these guys, you can't interact with these guys.

Whoa Clinton, be careful what you say here.
"And I mean, you put a woman and you give her a choice of 53 athletes, somebody got to be appealing to her. You know, somebody got to spark her interest, or she's gonna want somebody. I don't know what kind of woman won't, if you get to go and look at 53 men's packages. And you're just sitting here, saying 'Oh, none of this is attractive to me.' I know you're doing a job, but at the same time, the same way I'm gonna cut my eye if I see somebody worth talking to, I'm sure they do the same thing."

I take it back apparently players are waving their dongs at the female reporters. But it's ok, the law of averages say they'll eventually see a dong they like. Seriously, it even happens in soccer. You tell me that Landon isn't about to whip it out.

Anyway something tells me that Clinton Portis is going to have to do some grade A back-tracking here. I'm pretty sure the NFL isn't going to like the idea that it's players think all female reporters just need some man meat.
"I was wrong to make the comments I did, and I apologize," Portis said in a statement released by the team. "I respect the job that all reporters do. It is a tough job and we all have to work and act in a professional manner. I understand and support the team on these issues"
Well that doesn't sound at all like it was written by the Washington Redskins PR department. These kinds of straight from the heart apologies can really change your mind about someone.

And I guess it's settled, now we should be able to put all this behind... hold on. Arizona Cardinal Darnell Docket would like to say something.
"All I can do is LOL at the jets Female Reporter! She walks into a locker room full of men and think some one not gonna say nothing LMFAO," he said. "I don't know what was said to her or whatever but u just have to know u going into a TEAM LOCKEROOM, and if its that serious WOMEN STAY OUT!"

hmmm, that didn't seem to go so well. Maybe what we need is a serious sit down interview with Ines Sainz. I mean so far all she is is a pretty blonde in tight jeans. Once the American public is really able to put a face and personality with those tight jeans we can all see she is just a human being trying to do her job.
Anyone other than Fox News up to the challenge? No? Ok, take it away creepy guy who can't stop staring at boobies.
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