Yesterday (honestly, who blogs on a Sunday?) the
Latino Review reported that Marvel is interested in the idea of making a few short films staring some of it's lesser known characters. Presumably then these shorts would play in front of Space Jam or Elektra or whatever crappy Disney movie needs a fanboy bump in ticket sales.
Honestly this all sounds like it's never going to happen, but what else am I supposed to talk about
Amanda Bynes retiring from acting? Yeah that's what I thought. So without further ado here's my short list of marvel characters that need their own short film.
Iron Fist. Iron Fist is awesome. He uses Magic Kung-fu and wears a bandana mask, what more can you ask for? He has an origin that could be told in a 30 second voice-over and did I mention the Magic Kung-fu?
Dazzler. Dazzler is awful, so awful a short film about her could be awesome. Her power of turning sound into lasers could look really cool on screen. Sprinkle some Disney synergy into the mix by shoehorning an awful Miley Cyrus song into the film and you could have a big hit on the internets.
Black Cat. This would be a no brainer to play in front of the next Spider-man movie. She's Marvel's answer to Catwoman so the general concept is already familiar with most people. Also look at the costume, I'm pretty sure that would work on screen.
Deadpool. I'll admit it, I don't think we'll ever see a Deadpool movie. But a Deadpool short movie, a guy can still dream right?
Quicksilver. He's Magneto's son, how is it that he's been left out of 3 x-men movies?
Tigra. Furries are the next twilight!