Friday, March 30, 2018

Don't Look At Them

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Delayed Links

Here's What Protects Shipwrecks From Looters and Hacks. Cool article on Shipwrecks and what the federal government has done over the last few years to keep salvage teams from damaging them. Or maybe it was just cool to me because I've read WAY to many Clive Cussler books.

‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’ Pushed to 2019; ‘New Mutants’ Delayed Again. Well, this isn't good. New Mutants was originally supposed to come out this april now it's been pushed all the way back to August 2019? It's crazy, that movie was done filming and everything. Word is they're doing a bunch of reshoots even going so far as to add a new main character. I don't really know anything about the details of Disney buying Fox and how that would impact these two movies but maybe there's something there? I don't know, I'm just a guy hoping New Mutants doesn't turn into the "Terry Gilliam's The Man Who Killed Don Quixote" of superhero movies.

THE LAST SCAN: Inside the desperate fight to keep old TVs alive. I subscribe to the retrogaming subreddit and it's funny whenever you see people super excited they found an old Sony Trinatron. Old CRTs are in a really weird spot right now, they're either completely useless and no one will take them or they're highly sought after and people will pay "top" dollar for them. What a time to be alive.

Far Cry 5 review: Five steps back. This is disappointing to hear. I was actually thinking about finally getting in on this series. Steam had a bunch of the older titles on sale last week and I was "this close" to pulling the trigger. Instead I installed Borderlands 2 and started replaying that game. Man what a great game. Easily one of my favorite FPS from the last 10 years.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War - Official Trailer

This has to be the last Avengers: Infinity War trailer, right? I feel like there've been a hundred of these things at least. The Thor: Ragnarok blu-ray had a boatload of behind the scenes stuff too. It's like I've seen half the movie already.

Anyhoo, it looks really good. I saw some site already talking about how before watching it you HAVE to watch Guardians of the Galaxy again. I guess they're right in a way. I mean I'm crazy well versed in comic book nonsense so I think I take for granted the fact that there are some details about Thanos in the movie that are kind of important to know. The kinds of details that are easy to forget in a 2 hour movie where the Racoon and the Tree steal the show.

I'd recommend going back and watching all the Marvel movies that feature the Infinity Gems Stones. So we're talking: Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Doctor Strange
Thor: Ragnarok

Although looking at that list you could probably easily remove Thor, Winter Soldier and Civil War. The Stones aren't a big part of those movies, if pressed for time you could lift Captain America: First Avenger out of there too. The Tesseract (which hold a stone) is also heavily featured in The Avengers so you don't really need to double dip. Here's what I'd watch for sure:

The Avengers
Thor: The Dark World
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Doctor Strange
Thor: Ragnarok

If you watch all those, you'll know where each stone is currently in the MCU. Honestly, it's probably not THAT important to enjoying Infinity War that you even know that, they'll probably recap all of it at the start of the movie but hey, you could do worse with 14 hours of your life.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

ECCC 2018 Friday Cosplay

This ECCC cosplay video by Chong Ahn is really good. Like almost Sneaky Zebra good. It's all the more impressive when you realize they edited and uploaded it in like 2 days.

I saw quite a few of these in person, I really wish I had gotten a picture with the Hulkster and Rowdy Roddy. As some of you are aware, ECCC is a 4 day event now. I had 2 passes for all 4 days but on Friday I couldn't find anyone to go with so I went by myself. It wasn't the first time I'd been to a comic book convention by myself but it was definitely the biggest convention I'd ever been to on my own. It was fun but it was also pretty hard on my wallet. For some reason when you have no one other than strangers to talk to you end up just shopping the entire time. The whole day I think I went to one pannel.

Monday, March 5, 2018

2018 Emerald City Comic Con: The Reviewing

So if you follow me on social media (or were the one friend that wasn't busy this weekend) you'll know that this last weekend was Emerald City Comic Con. I had a great time, right up to the point on Sunday when I threw my back out tying my shoe.

Last year was the big 15th Anniversary for ECCC, I felt like there was a lot of pressure to make it the biggest show ever. This seemed a bit more relaxed. You could tell the show floor was a bit less crowded, I don't think there were quite as many "big name" nerd celebrities and the schedule of events didn't feel as busy. I thought it all made for a better overall show. I made a bit of a rookie mistake by thinking my kids would be well behaved on Sunday and that we'd have a bit more time to do a few things I wanted to do... LOL. Even typing it out now I see how foolish that was. Really, that's my only regret. In a 4 day show I put off seeing and buying a couple things until the last day and then poof, it didn't happen and I'm all like "whaaaaa?"

I'll try and pictures from the show as soon as I can, so you know... 10-20 days?


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