Monday, June 26, 2017
Are You Ready For Some Mini-SNES Action?

I'm a bit torn on the whole thing. For $80 I could put together 3 Retro PIs and load up pretty much every SNES title every made for free. Of course as cool as the Retro PI is it never quite feels like the "real thing" and I'm assuming with Nintendo's stamp of approval this is going to feel pretty genuine. I don't know, this Christmas I either want to pick up a Xbox One or a Nintendo Switch, I'm probably better off saving my cash. However if you don't want to go through the hassle of putting together a Retro PI, I'd probably jump on this. Those classic SNES titles are heads and tails better than the NES classics. Excitebike is fun to play for like 10 minutes, but the other day I put in a good 3-4 hours with my son on Legend of Zelda a Link To The Past.
Ah, why even bother thinking about it? This thing will probably be impossible to find in stores and getting one on Ebay will cost like $200. If I ever run across one maybe I'll grab it and try to flip it on ebay myself.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Game of Thrones Season 7: Trailer #2
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 |
Filed Under:
awesome tv shows,
game of thrones,

Wooohooo CleganeBowl CONFIRMED! Ok.... maybe it's not you know confirmed confirmed, but in this trailer I definitely see Sandor Clegane with a sword looking ready to chop a sucker up in the Dragon Pits outside of King's Landing. I'll eat my hat if he isn't facing off against his zombie brother Sir Strong.
This new trailer is seriously hot fire. The last one they had was cool and all but it didn't show off a ton of action, this trailer is like WHAM POW! Here's some dragons, John Snow is fighting wildlings, THIS ONE DUDE'S SWORD IS ON FIRE. I'm beyond excited.
This new trailer is seriously hot fire. The last one they had was cool and all but it didn't show off a ton of action, this trailer is like WHAM POW! Here's some dragons, John Snow is fighting wildlings, THIS ONE DUDE'S SWORD IS ON FIRE. I'm beyond excited.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Mammoth Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 |
Filed Under:
pro wrestling,
video games

As a follow up, I once spent a couple weeks in Phoenix when it was in the high 110s, it might even have reached 120 that summer. It was incredible. You can barely catch your breath its so hot out. No one was outside doing anything, people were barely driving around. It was like a ghost town. Like a fool I tried to go for a bike ride one day, I got 2 blocks from the house and was like NOPE.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
The DuckTales Main Title Sequence
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 |
Filed Under:
duck tales

Cartoons are really the only TV Shows that have cool title sequences anymore aren't they? Sitcoms now have cold opens and usually like 5 seconds of a jingle and that's about it. I'm not even sure what Dramas do. I watch a bunch but I can't even remember if say, The Expanse even has a title sequence.
Anyhoo, I like this new version of the classic DuckTales theme and I really like the new art style. If there's some way I can get over the new celebrity voice cast I might actually be able to enjoy this show.
Anyhoo, I like this new version of the classic DuckTales theme and I really like the new art style. If there's some way I can get over the new celebrity voice cast I might actually be able to enjoy this show.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Holy Links

The new Xbox looks like the system that probably should have come out when they launched the Xbox One but didn't because it would have cost like $1,000. Even if it's an extra $100 if I had to choose between the XBX or the PS4 Pro I'd pick the Xbox. It's the first console in a while that can sit beside your average gaming PC and look good, I mean it can't go toe to toe with a high end PC but next to a hodgepodge like mine it's very comparable.
It's too bad that while Sony was showing off all these cool exclusive games (or at least semi-exclusive map packs and DLC) Big Redmond was "stuck" showing Forza 7 and Crackdown 3. Also a lot of talk about backwards compatibility, which to me always seems weird. You have a chance to really make hay with your newest and shiniest toys and one of your big announcements is a game that came out 17 years ago? Good luck with that.
Still, if I end up forced to get a new console because those rat bastards at Rockstar won't put Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC I'll probably get an Xbox One X.

Monday, June 12, 2017
Black Panther Teaser Trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, June 12, 2017 |
Filed Under:
black panther,
comic books,

I guess there was a big basketball game the other day and during it Marvel premiered the first teaser for Black Panther. I say I guess because the NBA has been dead to me ever since they moved the Sonics to Tulsa or something.
The trailer is super dope, extra super dope. I'm not the biggest Black Panther fan in the world but I have a pretty big soft spot for Christopher Priest's 60 or so issue run on Black Panther from the early 2000s. I'm hoping this hits that same sweet spot for me. I just watched Ant Man again a couple weeks ago and man did it hold up well. Something really refreshing about a movie where the hero doesn't necessarily have to save the planet or plant the seeds for the next Avengers movie.
Now I fully expect the last infinity gem or stone or whatever it is they call it in the MCU to be in Wakanda but outside of that I'm hoping this gives us a sort of contained techno-jungle adventure. Black Panther has a lot going on in his own world. I'm cool if Thor and the gang stay home for this one.
The trailer is super dope, extra super dope. I'm not the biggest Black Panther fan in the world but I have a pretty big soft spot for Christopher Priest's 60 or so issue run on Black Panther from the early 2000s. I'm hoping this hits that same sweet spot for me. I just watched Ant Man again a couple weeks ago and man did it hold up well. Something really refreshing about a movie where the hero doesn't necessarily have to save the planet or plant the seeds for the next Avengers movie.
Now I fully expect the last infinity gem or stone or whatever it is they call it in the MCU to be in Wakanda but outside of that I'm hoping this gives us a sort of contained techno-jungle adventure. Black Panther has a lot going on in his own world. I'm cool if Thor and the gang stay home for this one.
Friday, June 9, 2017
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Paths of Hate
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, June 08, 2017 |
Filed Under:
fan films,
paths of hate

I stumbled across this animated short film, Paths of Hate the other day and holy carp is it cool looking. I have no idea how they animated it like this, If it was all computers or some sort of modern day rotoscoping but the results are incredible. I'd be down for an entire feature length film that looked like this.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Ant Man: Alien Invasion
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 |
Filed Under:
comic books,

Recently Marvel has released a few animated Ant-Man shorts by French filmmakers Ugo Bienvenu and Kevin Manach. They're kind of fantastic, in fact there's no kind of about it. They're fantastic. The animation style feels like it's lifted right out of a Tales To Astonish from the 1960s.
Marvel never really has had a house animation style the way DC has had ever since Batman: The Animated Series. I'm telling you they could do a lot worse than patterning all their animated shows and films after this. Kids love fake retro stuff these days, or at least adults buying this stuff do. Kids don't even watch cartoons anymore, too busy with their fidget spinners and all that dabbing.
Marvel never really has had a house animation style the way DC has had ever since Batman: The Animated Series. I'm telling you they could do a lot worse than patterning all their animated shows and films after this. Kids love fake retro stuff these days, or at least adults buying this stuff do. Kids don't even watch cartoons anymore, too busy with their fidget spinners and all that dabbing.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Wonder Woman: Breaking Records and Faces
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Sunday, June 04, 2017 |
Filed Under:
comic books,
wonder woman

It's not just "Hey I like super heroes, so I want to see good superhero movies" though. A big blockbuster staring a woman, directed by a woman based on a comic book? That's good stuff, important stuff. Not important like universal healthcare for all, but its a blow to sexism and with when the president of the united states is grabbing em by the pussy a win, is a win, is a win.
Unfortunately I didn't get to see the movie this weekend. My son got invited to a birthday party (the day before the party!) so my Saturday plans were blown up. I'm going to try and check it out next weekend. I might not be able to be part of the record breaking opening weekend but maybe I'll be a part of the "not as huge of a drop off as summer blockbusters usually have" second weekend.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Ok Neil

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