Professional video game player Kenneth Bradley really upped the ante on Marvel vs Capcom tournament entrances. I guess. I mean I have no idea what the other entrances are like but I think it's safe to assume they don't include chugging steve-wisers and stone cold stunnering randos from the crowd.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
The Greatest Professional Video Gamer Entrance?
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 |
Filed Under:
impressive nerds,
video games,

Monday, June 29, 2015
I Am Chris Farley: The Trailer
Oh man, if this doesn't look like it's going to be the funniest and saddest thing ever. I've heard his biography is a really good read but incredibly depressing too. I really like Chris Farley and kind of obsessed over SNL in the early 90s, so I'm going to do my best to go see this. I'll probably bring a box of kleenex with me.
This Time Nothing Will Go Wrong
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, June 29, 2015 |
Filed Under:
jurassic park

Friday, June 26, 2015
Mad Max Fan re-creates Max's Interceptor
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, June 26, 2015 |
Filed Under:
cars I can't afford,
mad max,

Some crazy awesome guy with way to much disposable income spent about $120,000 re-creating Mad Max's 1972 Ford Falcon. It looks really, really cool. Pretty much anything on the street with a huge blower gets my attention, but the amount of detail he's recreated is impressive.
I love that it gets 6 miles to a gallon. What a terrible car to drive around in the apocalypse.
I love that it gets 6 miles to a gallon. What a terrible car to drive around in the apocalypse.
Listener: I don't Want to Live Forever
Hey kiddos, it's Friday and it's hot as balls out. Last night when I went to bed it was 80 degrees inside the house. When I woke up this morning it was 75. That's gonna make for a great weekend. Anyway, enjoy this live performance of Listener's I Don't Want to Live Forever. It's a rad song with an awesome/manic performance by Dan Smith.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Stop Motion Karate Fight
The fine folks at Corridor Digital have put together this fun little video of two guys Karate fighting using stop motion animation. It's pretty cool. It's also a good reminder that we were going to sign Logan up for Karate classes this summer. It's either Karate classes or I'm going to have him wax my car and paint our fence all summer. I guess I haven't really decided.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
I've never rode a moose
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 |
Filed Under:
EXTREME sports,

Here's some Canadian Loon riding a swimming moose. How drunk do you have to be to try that? Near blackout drunk or just super buzzed. I'm glad they didn't hit the moose with the boat. Out of all the dangerous stuff going on here that looked the most dangerous.
True story, a guy a work once asked me what the largest animal I had ever rode was. He was blown away when I told him Elephant. It's been forever but still, I've ridden an elephant. Unless you're catching a ride on the back of a whale you don't get much bigger than that.
True story, a guy a work once asked me what the largest animal I had ever rode was. He was blown away when I told him Elephant. It's been forever but still, I've ridden an elephant. Unless you're catching a ride on the back of a whale you don't get much bigger than that.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Highest Grossing Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 |
Filed Under:
old computers,
video games

Friday, June 19, 2015
Clerks: The TV Show is... yikes
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, June 19, 2015 |
Filed Under:
horrible tv shows,
kevin smith,
the 90s

So WAY WAY back in 1995 Touchstone decided that Kevin Smith's Clerks needed to be adapted to the small screen. It's was a terrible idea for many reasons. Count them as you try and slog your way through the pilot episode that has most kindly been uploaded to youtube.
On the plus side if you ever wondered what Clerks would be like without the swearing, clever jokes and likable characters here you go.
Also, this TV show is so 1990s that I think It comes with a Gin Blossoms CD.
On the plus side if you ever wondered what Clerks would be like without the swearing, clever jokes and likable characters here you go.
Also, this TV show is so 1990s that I think It comes with a Gin Blossoms CD.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
E3 Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, June 18, 2015 |
Filed Under:
video games,

Also they're making Shenmue III. You go Sony.

Of course all the HoloLens stuff was practically buried by the news that the Xbox One would add support to 100 old Xbox 360 games, which is a weird thing to get excited about but whatever, gamers are weird.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Star Wars Battlefront... how you doin?
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 |
Filed Under:
star wars,
video games

A couple weeks ago I posted some cartoon that was kind of taking jabs at the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront reboot.... well that cartoon can stick its sorrys in a sack because everything out of E3 has made Battlefront look amazeballs. Like, I'm pretty sure I'm willing to shell out a few hundred dollars on a new graphics card just to play this game amazeballs.
I showed this to my son and about 30 seconds in he said "dad, I want this game", he was super serious too. Like this isn't a game, this is serious business dad.
I showed this to my son and about 30 seconds in he said "dad, I want this game", he was super serious too. Like this isn't a game, this is serious business dad.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Transformers: Devastation OMG
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 |
Filed Under:
the 80s,
tv shows,
video games

The words "greatest game ever made" get thrown around a lot these days but I have to believe that this new Transformers game based on the 1980s cartoon might just be the greatest game ever made. If not the greatest at least it's at least top 3. Right up there with Pac-Man and Zork..
All hyperbole aside this new Transformers game looks pretty cool. The details from E3 are still a bit sketchy but it looks like it will be available on all the usual consoles including the WiiU, Xbox 360 and PC. You get to play as one of 5 classic Autobots and you will face around 30 Deceptacons. It doesn't seem like it will be very story heavy, probably just a big old brawler. When the game looks as good as this one does it doesn't have to reinvent the wheel, fun is the key word here.
It's an interesting decision by Activision for sure. While the Transformers are still a big intellectual property most kids know them from the awful Michael Bay movies or the newer cartoons like Prime and Rescue Bots (which are actually pretty decent). The decision to pander to all the 80s babies who grew up on the likes of Jazz, Hound and Mirage is kind of risky. Hopefully it will be a big hit. If for no other reason than I'd like to see more video games based off cartoons/toys from the 80s. M.A.S.K, Thundercats, He-Man... or dare I dream, GI Joe?
All hyperbole aside this new Transformers game looks pretty cool. The details from E3 are still a bit sketchy but it looks like it will be available on all the usual consoles including the WiiU, Xbox 360 and PC. You get to play as one of 5 classic Autobots and you will face around 30 Deceptacons. It doesn't seem like it will be very story heavy, probably just a big old brawler. When the game looks as good as this one does it doesn't have to reinvent the wheel, fun is the key word here.
It's an interesting decision by Activision for sure. While the Transformers are still a big intellectual property most kids know them from the awful Michael Bay movies or the newer cartoons like Prime and Rescue Bots (which are actually pretty decent). The decision to pander to all the 80s babies who grew up on the likes of Jazz, Hound and Mirage is kind of risky. Hopefully it will be a big hit. If for no other reason than I'd like to see more video games based off cartoons/toys from the 80s. M.A.S.K, Thundercats, He-Man... or dare I dream, GI Joe?
Everywhere You Look
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 |
Filed Under:
full house,
grand theft auto,
tv shows,
video games

A couple days ago some intrepid nerds recreated the Full House intro with Grand Theft Auto V. This side by side comparison really showcases just how much work they put into it. They really nailed Candace Cameron. Hey-O!
Dinosaurs Are Jerks
This is the reason I have children and not a Dinosaur. I can put up with the poop and lack of sleep but I swear if someone touches my Raisin Nut Bran they're dead.
Monday, June 15, 2015
New Mass Effect is also a thing from E3
Man, E3 is really lobbying hard for me to get a new video card isn't it. First Fallout 3 now a new Mass Effect? I think I'm reaching the tipping point when it comes to my current rig. I picked up Lego Batman 3 during the Steam sale this weekend and while the gameplay looks pretty good transitioning during the cutscenes there's a bit of choppiness. Also on my media storage drive I'm getting all sorts of random hard disk errors. That's never a good sign. Windows 10 is right around the corner, I'm pretty sure I'm going to sell some comics and try to upgrade the old warhorse.
What was my point again? Oh yeah new Mass Effect looks super pretty.
What was my point again? Oh yeah new Mass Effect looks super pretty.
The Slowest Beer Mile Ever
Katie Nolan of the show Garbage Time on Fox Sports 1 (which I'm told is a thing, but I wouldn't know since it's buried on the super premium tier of Dish Network) decided to tape herself running the Beer Mile. It looks awful, yet at the same time I can't help but wonder if I couldn't beat her time of 35:25. If you drank a beer after the first lap I think I'd be ok. I don't know why but three beers seems doable but four beers just seems like lunacy.
Fallout 4: Citizens on Patrol
One of the bigger announcements coming out of E3 this last weekend was the release of Fallout 4 (Nov 10, 15). It looks pretty cool, way cooler than say the new Doom looks. I THINK I bought Fallout and Fallout 2 on a Steam summer sale last year, or maybe the year before. Either way I haven't played any of the Fallout games yet. Maybe I should finally sit down and check them out. I've been playing kids games WAY to long. You have no idea how addicted I am to Angry Birds: Epic.
Friday, June 12, 2015
It's Corgi Friday!
Would you look at these cute sons of bitches. What is it about corgis that makes them so cute? Is it the stumpy little legs, the point ears, the fluffy fur? Whatever it is I think they might just be the cutest breed of dogs ever. This slow motion video of them makes them look like a derpy bunch of bunny dogs and I love it.
He's the Carrot Top of Weathermen
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, June 12, 2015 |
Filed Under:
local news,
prop comedy

This Guy! Am I right???
Mark Johnson, local weatherman of WEWS Cleveland had some things to say about last nights Cavaliers/Warriors game and as the saying goes one prop is worth at least 2.5 words. I love how once the weed wacker thing totally flops he doubles down with the "brick". Seriously, that's not a brick it's a cider block. Do you even know how to Carrot Top?
Mark Johnson, local weatherman of WEWS Cleveland had some things to say about last nights Cavaliers/Warriors game and as the saying goes one prop is worth at least 2.5 words. I love how once the weed wacker thing totally flops he doubles down with the "brick". Seriously, that's not a brick it's a cider block. Do you even know how to Carrot Top?
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Practice? Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, June 11, 2015 |
Filed Under:
awesome tv shows,
star wars,

Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Robots Falling Down
In case you missed it, last week was the DARPA Robotics Challenge. I don't know what that is but it sounds cool. From the video it looks like it's a series of challenges for a bunch of really expensive robots and by challenges I mean mundane tasks like turning a door knob or walking...
Monday, June 8, 2015
John Oliver is a Man of His Word
Last week John Oliver challenged FIFA's main sponsors to oust Sepp Blatter as the president of FIFA, if they did he would do crazy unspeakable acts like "wear shoes" and "drink beverage". While there's no proof that Sepp Blatter stepping down had anything to do with those main sponsors, John Oliver still promised to do stuff so doing stuff is exactly what he did.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Sharknado 3: The Third One
Ladies and Gentlemen mark you calendars for July 22nd because that's why SyFy debuts Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No. Or don't I guess, SyFy is sure to replay the hell out of it. Plus you could always catch it on Prime or Netflix. I guess instead of marking your calendars you should just "be aware" that Sharknado 3 is a thing that will be available to watch soon. They should put that on the poster.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Austin 3:16 says you don't graduate
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, June 04, 2015 |
Filed Under:
bad ideas?,

You've probably seen that viral video of the two High Schoolers that decided a fun way to celebrate graduating would be for one of them to give the other a stone cold stunner... during the graduation ceremony. Well, and this will really shock you, as it turns out the school didn't think it was very funny. They're threatening to take the kids diplomas away. I assume if they do one of them is going to drive a milk truck right up to the principals office and hose him down with 1,000 gallons of 2%.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Skylanders Superchargers or There Went My Money
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 |
Filed Under:
random simpsons reference,
video games

Check it out kiddos the reveal trailer for the next installment in the Sklanders series, Skylanders: Superchargers, just went live. This time Malibu Stacy has a new hat AND a new car.
You guys have no idea how crazy my kid is for Skylanders. They've definitely surpassed Lego as his favorite toy. Even when he's not playing the video game he's playing with the toys or he's watching Skylanders videos on youtube or he's just sitting in his room looking at one of his three posters trying to figure out which guy he wants to collect next (fyi it's ShroomBoom). The amount of useless Skylanders knowledge he has is really impressive. Before we even buy a character he can tell me all about their special powers and what element they represent. We're trying not to spoil him, we can't really afford to spoil him. However with a new game coming out soon it's been really easy to pick up the older figures and games for cheap. The problem is that the gravy train is about to lose one of its biscuit wheels.
This new game is going to mean new game prices. I don't mind picking up a couple figures every now and then when they're on sale but there's no way I can afford to spend $79.99 on a whole new game PLUS 15 bucks a piece on new characters. I guess I'll be out there fighting the crowds again on Black Friday.
You guys have no idea how crazy my kid is for Skylanders. They've definitely surpassed Lego as his favorite toy. Even when he's not playing the video game he's playing with the toys or he's watching Skylanders videos on youtube or he's just sitting in his room looking at one of his three posters trying to figure out which guy he wants to collect next (fyi it's ShroomBoom). The amount of useless Skylanders knowledge he has is really impressive. Before we even buy a character he can tell me all about their special powers and what element they represent. We're trying not to spoil him, we can't really afford to spoil him. However with a new game coming out soon it's been really easy to pick up the older figures and games for cheap. The problem is that the gravy train is about to lose one of its biscuit wheels.
This new game is going to mean new game prices. I don't mind picking up a couple figures every now and then when they're on sale but there's no way I can afford to spend $79.99 on a whole new game PLUS 15 bucks a piece on new characters. I guess I'll be out there fighting the crowds again on Black Friday.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Some People Stand In The Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 |
Filed Under:
david hasselhoff,
gratuitous use of babes,
louis ck,
old computers,
tv shows,
video games,
women's sports

They're Gathering Again
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 |
Filed Under:
gathering of the juggalos,

It's time for the most anticipated infomercial of the year. The annual Gathering of the Juggalos video. This year's video comes to us from the FUTURE. A future where I assume cool things like the ICP and Faygo have been outlawed so it's up to one intrepid group of ninjas to travel back in time to the 2015 Gathering of the Juggalos and I don't know... save the future Faygo? This thing is 20 minutes long I didn't have time to watch it all this morning.
I think I say this every year, but man I really want to go to this thing. Think of how awesome the people (?) watching must be. Sure there's a 50/50 chance I never make it back but Anybody Killa and Nova Rockafeller are going to be there. I'm pretty sure it's worth taking the chance.
I think I say this every year, but man I really want to go to this thing. Think of how awesome the people (?) watching must be. Sure there's a 50/50 chance I never make it back but Anybody Killa and Nova Rockafeller are going to be there. I'm pretty sure it's worth taking the chance.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA II
It's not often that John Oliver goes back to the well, but considering the recent corruption charges against FIFA it seemed appropriate that he re-address the issue on Last Week Tonight. As usual it's pretty brilliant, I especially liked his Ke$ha analogy.
Also nice to see someone bringing up the Women's World Cup and the moronic idea of playing it on turf. The short shorts idea's not so bad though...
Also nice to see someone bringing up the Women's World Cup and the moronic idea of playing it on turf. The short shorts idea's not so bad though...
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