So I know nothing about the book Game of Thrones other than it's long and that my friend Mike says it's awesome. The trailer looks pretty awesome, but it's on HBO so either I'm going to have to wait until it hit netflix or find some way of downloading it illegally. Of course I'm not even sure if you can do that on the internet. Will napster let me do it?
Monday, November 29, 2010
Game of Thrones teaser
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, November 29, 2010 |
Filed Under:
awesome tv shows,
game of thrones

Tryptophan induced links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, November 29, 2010 |
Filed Under:
cowboys and aliens,
star wars

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wonder Woman Movie News
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, November 22, 2010 |
Filed Under:
gratuitous use of babes,
megan fox,
two house party references,
wonder woman

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that Warner Brothers with your indecision to really pull the trigger on a Wonder Woman movie, you just got played out.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Sexy Time Kinect Time
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, November 19, 2010 |
Filed Under:
gratuitous use of babes,

Thursday, November 18, 2010
This is why I don't post anymore

This is a weapons damage chart for Call of Duty Black Ops that some beautiful nerd made this week. Right now it's the 3rd most important thing in my life right after Jesus and my son... I mean 4th most important thing. Sorry honey, love you!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Goal of the Weak
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 |
Filed Under:
horribly bad goal keeping,

It's been awhile since I've featured any bad soccer. Here's a guy for some third world country (Qatar I think?) missing the easiest goal ever.
btw... nice dummy from the goalie, you don't see goalies try that enough.
btw... nice dummy from the goalie, you don't see goalies try that enough.
Green Lantern Trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 |
Filed Under:
green lantern,

When I first started to show this to my wife she said "eww... can you believe they got Seth Rogan to play the Green Lantern?"
God bless her.
God bless her.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Battle for Los Angeles trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, November 12, 2010 |
Filed Under:
battle for los angeles,

The battle for Los Angeles is one of my favorite Rage against the Machine Albums, It looks like someone finally decided to make a movie inspired by it. What do you mean? It's not inspired by the album? Oh well the aliens look pretty cool.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The low hurdles are the toughest
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, November 11, 2010 |
Filed Under:
track and field

Here's a girl running the hurdles. I don't want to give the whole thing away, but the results are hilarious.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Where's my Darth Vader app?
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 |
Filed Under:
odd advertising,
star wars

So apparently in Japan you can download an app that gives you your own private Darth Vader, that no one else can see. Just one more thing AT&T has dropped the ball on over here.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The post where a blogger complains
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 |
Filed Under:
cute kids,
real work sucks

Hey, it's more Tron!
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 |
Filed Under:

I'm running out of things to blog about. Here's a new Tron trailer, if anything I guess this saves you from having to watch it premiere on No Ordinary Family.
Now that I think about it you totally owe me. big time.
Now that I think about it you totally owe me. big time.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Walking Dead
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, November 08, 2010 |
Filed Under:
awesome tv shows,
the walking dead,

So enough people have asked me what I thought about The Walking Dead that I figured if I did a blog post about it I might save my self some real life conversations.
It's awesome. It's really awesome. And not just in a Kevin loves zombies kinda way, it's awesome in a this show is groundbreaking TV kinda way. The first couple episodes of The Walking Dead to me are very reminiscent of the first few episodes of Lost or Homicide: Life on the Streets. You could tell that everyone involved is just working on a whole different level, from the directors and producers to the writers and actors. We're 2 episodes in and I already feel like it's the best show on TV. Sorry the best show on tv not staring Charlie Sheen. I mean that guy really has a gift.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday Night Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, November 05, 2010 |
Filed Under:
gi joe,

Most Expensive Richard Marx song ever!
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, November 05, 2010 |
Filed Under:
bad ideas,
corporate douchebaggery,
the interwebs

So here's a story intended to scare you out of downloading the latest Eminem cd (if his violent lyrics don't scare you away already ((sissy))).
"Jammie Thomas-Rasset, the Minnesota mother of four who has fought the RIAA for the past four years over 24 songs that she illegally downloaded and shared over P2P network Kazaa and has become something of a high-profile figure due to her refusal to settle, was handed a stiff verdict on Wednesday: A jury ruled that Thomas-Rasset should pay Capitol Records $1.5 million for those 24 songs, breaking down to damages of $62,500 a song."
What song could possibly be worth 62,500 dollars? How about Cryin by Aerosmith, Iris by the Goo Goo dolls or Now and Forever by Richard Marx (who to his credit said he was ashamed to be associated with the lawsuit). In related news, Richard Marx is still alive!
This is pretty much the reason I'm scared to download anything. It's not just songs these days either. The guy that made that ridiculous Batman Porno is suing a bunch of people that torrented it. That's pretty much the sign that the anit-pirating crusade has gone to far. First our free music, then our free porn, what's next is Visa going to sue me over all the credit cards I've been stealing? It's not like I was going to buy them anyway, it's a victimless crime!
Beyond Black Mesa
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, November 05, 2010 |
Filed Under:
beyond black mesa,
half life 2,

I think I posted something about this a couple years ago (yeah that's right, this blog is 2 years old). A small group of dedicated nerds are making a Half Life fan movie, an AWESOME fan movie. This is the official trailer.
I'll be honest with you, this looks better than any sci-fi action movie I've seen in years. I'd pay 100 dollars to see this before paying 50 cents to see Transformers 3. I mean in theory I would. I'll probably just torrent both but it's the thought that counts, right?
I'll be honest with you, this looks better than any sci-fi action movie I've seen in years. I'd pay 100 dollars to see this before paying 50 cents to see Transformers 3. I mean in theory I would. I'll probably just torrent both but it's the thought that counts, right?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sucker Punch; the Tralier
The nerds over at Topless Robot have described Sucker Punch as "Things the Internet Likes; The Movie". It's hard to come up with anything more to say about this. I mean, it almost seems like it's too much. Robots, Chicks with swords, Drgagons, Samurais and Vanessa Hudgens? It almost feels like the cinematic equivalent to the day after you eat all your son's Halloween candy.
Sean Duffy Brought that Axe to Washington
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, November 04, 2010 |
Filed Under:
I'm old,
the real world

So Sean from the Real Wold Boston was ellected to congress the other night. In related news I feel about a hundred years old. Seriously, the Seattle season was taped over 11 years ago. I think that makes it older than Justin Beiber, whoever he is.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
That Duck really knows how to Dance
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 |
Filed Under:
awesome dances,
college football

I totally could have used that Duck's dancing skills this last weekend.
omg, omg, omg.. it's Leo!
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 |
Filed Under:
awesome sauce,
strutting leo

If you've never heard of HH Holmes before consider yourself lucky, he probably would have killed you. The dude built an entire hotel with the expressed purpose of luring in young women drawn to the Chicago worlds fair and killing them. It had secret rooms, purposely dark hallways and a hidden crematory in the basement so he could burn the flesh off his victims bodies and sell their skeletons to the local University. It's like he was Jigsaw but he also charged you rent.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Nerdy signs at the Rally to Restore Sanity
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, November 01, 2010 |
Filed Under:
funny signs,
the daily show

check out a whole bunch more at buzzfeed.
The Scariest Costume
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, November 01, 2010 |
Filed Under:
fox trot,
george lucas,

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