"I really think the WAG culture could really improve MLS. Though, I am guessing that women of semi-ill repute aren’t attracted by a $33,000 a year and a 1995 Honda Civic."
Even though he says "really" twice in one sentence, I think Ty makes a good point. The MLS is never going to be taken seriously as a big time sporting league here in the states until it's players start making some bank. Now don't get me wrong, I actually like the MLS. I'm very excited for the Sounders FC season to start, and last year I watched a handful of really good games on TV. You hear a lot of soccer snobs (especially on-line) complain that the MLS isn't worth watching, but is it really any worse than having to endure 90 minutes of Fulham vs Stoke? or heaven forbid watch any Mexican league hack fest? A Good soccer game is not necessarily dependant on the skill of it's players. I think anyone that watched Brasil vs Italy last night learned that lesson. At a certain level of soccer the stakes get so high a lot of managers will put 10 players behind the ball and just choke the life out of a game. Wow I just strayed away from my point...
Oh yeah, the MLS is clown shoes compared to the other larger professional sports leagues in the states, and sadly it all comes down to money (ok money and fame, but that's just splitting hairs). Say you're a 15 year old Steve Nash, a rep from nike wants you to take part in one of their summer basketball leagues in chicago or New York. Isiah thomas (pre-knick debacle) will be there, and you'll be introduced to all kinds of scouts that can help you find the right college program for you. Maybe you could even skip college and go straight to the pros. Or you could spend your summer playing club soccer for a coach that "says" he played in division 2 SPL in the 80s. He tells your parents that he thinks if you work on your conditioning you could get a scholarship to Seaton Hall! Oh yeah I forgot to mention that if you do play Collegiate division 1 basketball there's a good chance you'll get some cash under the table. Is there really a choice here?
Quite frankly we americans should be proud of our success in soccer. We're ranked 23rd in the world at a sport almost no one here cares about. Imagine if all our best young athletes traded in their hoop dreams for pitch dreams? Sure Didier Drogba is a beast on the field, but what's he gonna do when he goes up for a header against a 6'4 240lb Ray Lewis? You think Run DMB is fast? Imagine Devin Hester making an overlapping run up the right side of the field.
Would you hate him less if he played for the USMNT instead of the Lakers?
Maybe one day we'll get to see that happen. But I tell you what's got to happen first. First we have to stop losing players to the Sweedish and Danish soccer leagues because they're willing to give our MLS all-stars contracts worth more than 80,000 dollars a season.
Special Bonus (for mark) pictures of super WAG Danielle Loyd. She's
writing some sort of tell all book that has all the EPL boys nervous.