I honestly don't want to know what it says about me that I love this song.
Friday, January 30, 2009
My Dorkery knows no bounds!

I honestly don't want to know what it says about me that I love this song.
Fight Fight Fight!

All Hail our new kitten overlords
You think any of those "futurists" from the 1950s imagined a world where we could share videos of kittens ridding self propelled vacuum cleaners? No? Well suck on that losers from the 50s, welcome to the future!

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Fox News: as stupid on the web as they are on TV

But Obama's rise to the presidency now has many people in the business of creating and marketing heroes hoping that a black superhero will finally break into mainstream pop culture."
"I think that there is a perception of black people that America is comfortable with, and I'm not sure the hero role was it," he said. "We can be athletes and rappers, but not Superman."
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Chaos reigns supreme

The details here really don't matter. Some Sicilian League team scores on some other Sicillian league team, the ref disallows the goal and the team still paying attention to the game decides it's their turn to score.
I really love it when a ref loses control of a game. Everything turns all Lord of the Flies, players are suddenly looking to bash piggy's head in.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Hilarity Ensues
I'm pretty sure this is what I would do if my future self came to me asking for help.
Friday, January 23, 2009

"(I wear a) tight black leather outfit. And much bigger boobs. They gave me these things that looked like chicken fillets. The director said, 'I'm gonna be honest, I like girls with big boobs,' and I don't have them so we made them bigger. At least he's honest. But I was mildly offended."~Sienna Miller
"Everybody here laughed because they know I would NEVER say that to an actress... I guess the costume department gave her a tight fitting bra, but no one gave her rubber breasts or whatever. It is 100 percent Sienna Miller." ~ Director Steven Sommers
Lets see... Steven Sommers has written and directed crap like the Mummy and Van Helsing while Sienna Miller is best know for hooking up with Jude Law and Balthazar Getty while both were married at the time. Lets call this one a draw... and an excuse to post pics of the Baroness washing Cobra Commander's car and doing his laundry.
I thought I told you honkeys from the CIA....

The redband trailer for Black Dynamite is equal parts awesome and NSFW. On the crank 2 scale of Movie Trailers this one gets 4 jolts to the heart.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
80s Artists #3

John Buscema wrote the book on drawing comics. Well actually he drew the book on drawing comics, Marvel's "How to draw comics the Marvel way". There's not much to add after that. He was a master storyteller and had a style and technique that became definitive of what Marvel comics were about.
Homeless man does good

In short Dinosaur Pope approves this move.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Least surprising development ever

3 quick thoughts on the deal that never happened.
1. A team would be full of idiots to pay that much money to any one player. If you think Man City is just one Kaka or Ronaldo away from winning the Champions League, you need to stop playing Football Manager '09 and spend some time outside. And if you're going to pay 100 million pounds for a player, anything less than winning the Champions League is a complete fail.
2. A player would be an idiot to agree to that kind of transfer. Imagine the pressure of not only being the highest priced player in the world, but the pressure of trying to keep an asstastic Man City team out of the relegation zone. Sounds like a loads of fun to me. Also from what I've heard Manchester is a much nicer city than Milan.
3. Soccer fans everywhere would be idiots to support this kind of move. You know why I buy all my soccer jerseys straight from China off of E-bay? Because that 100 million pounds comes from somewhere. It's like trickle down economics, except instead of minimum wage jobs us average joes are left with higher ticket prices. And it doesn't stop at ticket prices. Shoes go up in cost. Jerseys not only go up in cost but they change every year so you need to keep buying new ones. Advertising on TV becomes more obtrusive, in fact everything fun about being a soccer fan gets a little less enjoyable. It's the reason the terrorists hate us.
Monday, January 19, 2009
work in progress

Holy Non-Event,Batman!

Do you remember where you were when Batman died? If you were anything like me you were sitting behind a computer saying "what they killed batman, when did that happen?".
Last Week DC comics finally put the final nail in the coffin on the Batman RIP storyline. You know the one that started last May in Batman and somehow finished last week in the pages of Final Crisis (huh?). I'm sure you saw all the media coverage of the big event, you know right after the bazillion news stories on the very special Spider-man Obama issue. Cause if there's something you can count on the main stream press to cover, it's comic books.
Seriously could DC have screwed this up more? When they killed Superman it was everywhere, even when Marvel Comics decided to put down Steve Rogers, the original Captain America, it was on the front page of USA Today. And lets face it, Captain America is great but he's no Batman. Someone at DC needs to get it together. No one but the hardest core of DC zombies thinks they're making the right editorial decisions these days. The house that Superman built deserves better.
Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor DAAMN!!!

Oh you tube, where would a lazy blogger be without you?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Movies are awesome

Wait it's not all. The 4fast 4furious trailer is up over at filmdrunk.com It's equally awesome.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
All Hail Nintendork!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Today's #1 threat to freedom..

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mutant Power: Jazz Hands!

You'd think the Empire would offer child care services
Do they just hand out leia outfits to the first 30 girls that show up?

That outfit looks impractical for fighting crime.
80's Artists #2

It's tough finding a lot of Art Adam's work. After he finished the Longshot limited series, he never stayed on a book for more than a few issues. The Longshot TPB is a good place to start and I'd also recommend picking up the last few issues of the current Hulk book. After that you're going to be digging through a lot of back issue bins looking for single issues.