Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Merry New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
How yous doin'?

Most Soccer Players are Idiots

This video is from a recent friendly between the Peruvian national team and Extremadura (don't ask, it doesn't matter). Peru led 2-1 with the final whistle approaching when the ref awarded Extremadura a spot-kick. Boom! Chaos on the pitch.
Everyone of the guys that touched the ref should have been red carded.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Harder than you think

Hey kids remember public enemy? No?... how did I get so old?
Satan against Gay Marriage?

There's just so much good stuff going on in this Parker Games ad for the infamous Ouija board. First off the thinly veiled sexual undertones about a boy making the best partner. I'm pretty sure they're implying that satan is pro premarital sex, but only the heterosexual kind. And if you need to ask your grandmother's ghost if you should go steady, maybe it's time to see other people. Hopefully not dead people. Lastly in the fine print, Parker Games claims a Ouija board makes a great Christmas present. Celebrate your saviors birth by contacting spirits and demons! why not just give your loved ones a golden calf?
via wellmedicated.com
Steven Gerrard.. something.. something.. cheeky

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
He can walk, no.. He can run!

So last night Arsenal's reserves played Portsmouths reserves in what would usually be a pretty boring exhibition. However, this match saw the return of Croation international Eduardo Da Silva. You may remember Eduardo from this horror injury he picked up at the hands of Martin Taylor last year.
Eduardo played 45 minutes and then was subbed out after his hammy started to tighten up on him. Could Eduardo's return to Arsenal's starting line up mean they'd be willing to sell RVP or Adebeyor? They're supposedly in a bit of a bind when it comes to available cash, and you've gotta think a team like Real Madrid could over pay for anyone that can score goals.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Daredevil's pimp hand is strong

Dogs can be indecisive
-pugs aren't very smart
-pugs are very cute
-most pugs have huge gambling problems
Monday, December 15, 2008
You owe me 10 dollars

Now you don't have to go see the reportedly awful remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still to watch the awesomeness of the new Wolverine trailer. It's hard to get to excited about an X-Men movie not done by Bryan Singer. Still this does have Ryan Reynolds and Liev Schreiber in it, but then on the other hand Gambit is in it...
Goal of the Weak

Friday, December 12, 2008
Dancing with the Soccer Stars

By "stars" I mean some norwegian soccer player you've probably never heard of. And by "dancing" I mean an astounding display of emberassments. Do your self a favor, skip to the 1:10 mark.
Remember the Great Depression? Good times...
Depressing news from the auto industry this morning days.
Senate GOP Voted Against Bailout To Strike "Blow Against Organized Labor" (jalopnik.com)
Meanwhile in cars you won't get to drive because everyone will be bankrupt news...

43.8 mpg and it doesn't look like an alien suppository from the future? Sign me up. On the other hand with gas back down to under 2 dollars a gallon, maybe I'll pick up one of these instead...

Forget the Dark Night special edition on DVD, this is what I really want for christmas.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Al Gore demands more pirates!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Nice hair coach

Thanks for the good work over the years Brian Schmetzer, but now it's time to let the big boys go to work.
2118 pounds of weed

Ton of Marijuana Seized From Cloned UPS Truck in Arizona
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
"I want to make money"

Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested by FBI agents today on federal corruption charges. He's being accused of shopping around Barack Obama's empty senate seat for the biggest kick-back. He was also caught threatening to withhold state assistance to the recently bankrupt chicago tribune unless they fire certain editorial staff members. Apparently the feds have him on tape, so I can't imagine this trial will last very long. the full story can be found here at cnn.com
there's really nothing funny here, just typical political corruption american style. at least when these things happen in italy the politicians speak with a funny accent. "I a wanna make-a more-a tha money", then they pick up some coins eat a glowing mushroom and jump away to save another princess.
"You don't want anymore than that on marble"

Who doesn't love dating hot quarterbacks?

Which still isn't as impressive as part time german goal keeper/full time cave man Oliver Kahn and his wife Verena Kerth. Kahn looks like he's ready to film a geico comercial.
Need more ugly guy/hot girl combos, check out Ucoached.com's 9 Humongous Mismatches in Soccer WAG HistoryMonday, December 8, 2008
On donner, on blitzen!

Goal of the Weak


Friday, December 5, 2008
get a haircut hippie

What's good for the goose

Who works out in jeans and no shirt? Also where are his shoes? I hate this guy...
My Eyes! The goggles do nothing!

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Who ya gonna call?

Ray. If someone asks if you are a god, you say, "yes!"
Who wears the pants here?

Stevens was right. Van der Vaart kicked the ball away after the referee had blown the whistle and duly earnt a yellow card.
Three days later the team played Hertha BSC in Berlin – without superstar Rafael – where they drew 0-0. And there was one happy WAG, Sylvie van der Vaart, who got to celebrate her birthday with her husband." - build.com

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Comics are for kids!

Saaaaved by Zeeeero

I'm sure there was some VP at GM that thought all the mechanical problems the Vega was having would be great for sales. I mean the sooner your customers have to buy a new car the sooner you get to sell them a new one, right? What else are they going to do, throw their vote away? it's a two party system!
Sorry I channeled Kodos there for a second.
"From the late 1970s and into the early '80s, Oldsmobile sold the most popular car in America: the Cutlass. Olds was on a sales roll; it seemed nothing would be able to stop the division. Then came the Oldsmobile diesels, and stopping is exactly what they did best.... Soon after the 5.7-liter diesel V8 debuted in Oldsmobile full-size 88 and 98 models (during 1978), the engines started tearing themselves apart. That extreme fragility was despite the fact that the 5.7-liter diesel option cost between $800 and $1000 extra per car and only made a puny 120 hp and a stingy 220 lb-ft of peak torque at 1600 rpm. In short, these engines were awful. But the 4.3-liter version of the diesel V8 was even worse—rated at only 90 hp, it was somehow even more fragile.... And when the engines inevitably blew up, the cars they were in would either head to an early death in a junkyard or have a more reasonable powerplant swapped in."
A 5.7L diesel that gets 120hp and puts out 220lb-ft of torque! My nissan sentra has a 1.8L 126hp aluminum hamster on a wheel and it gets 30 miles to a gallon. Sure it's not as torquey as the super manly V8, but come on. This isn't just a car that helped kill GM, but diesel engine production in the US. Mention a diesel engine to anyone over 35 and this is the kind of car they think of. A smoke belching piece of crap that costs a ton to maintain and has no performance bonuses over it's regular gas powered brothers. To bad no one thinks of the 63mpg Ford Fiesta that's only available in europe.
"Even today, the two-seat GM EV1 remains one of the best-engineered, best-working pure electric vehicles ever released to the public. With clever engineering throughout its aluminum structure, an incredibly aerodynamic body and a whole bunch of lead-acid batteries, the first-generation EV1 was able to go maybe 75 miles if driven with extreme care. The second-generation EV1 with nickel-metal-hydride batteries upped that range to about 150 miles... GM built the EV1 to satisfy a mandate from the state of California that 2 percent of a manufacturer's fleet sold there be zero-emissions vehicles. However, the EV1 and electric vehicles built by other manufacturers finally convinced the California Air Resources Board that the zero-emissions mandates weren't achievable by then-current technology. This led to the cancellation of the mandate. So GM canceled the EV1, and when the leases on the 1117 it had produced ran out,GM took them back and crushed them...suddenly the world was full of conspiracy theories about why GM "killed" the electric car. If the Hummer H2 makes GM seem callous toward the environment, the way GM handled the EV1 makes the company seem downright hostile. It's been a public relations nightmare."
Here it is the granddaddy of all GM screw ups. At a time when people were starting to worry about global warming and the price of gas was about to go through the roof, GM decided to crush its entire fleet of electric cars. Now they could focus on more cost effective projects like rebadging its Suburban into belgian military grade knock off humvees.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
what's up with this guy?

Monday, December 1, 2008
That's not legal

I think I would wear a yellow card from the sideline as some kind of badge of honor. I mean most subs just sit in their big cushy chair doing nothing all game. Dean Windass is out there patroling the sidelines acting as some sort of rougue defender, above the law. He's like the steven segal of epl bench warmers.