Everyone hates Diablo 3. Ok, not everyone but a lot of people. The Metacritic score is in the toilet. People can't play single player because you have to log onto the server and the servers are overloaded. There are a lot of complaints that the RPG mechanics have been stripped away. Some people are even comparing it to some of those free "pay to play" MMOs. Not exactly what hesitant Diablo nerds want to hear.
Bikini Hockey Leage is a real thing that exists. This is great news, with the Lingerie Football league taking the season off we really needed another scantily clad sports league. Where else are you going to pay to get an awkward boner in a stadium full of
Men in Black 3 costs $375 Million. Holly ass that's a lot of money. I heard most of it is going to CGI effects designed to give Nicole Scherzinger a personality.
I mean is anyone that excited to see MIB 3? Sure the first one was really good, but the second one was kind of like "meh". This is kinda like the Mummy 3: Desperate Cash Grab all over again, isn't it?
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