Yesterday the internets were mildly abuzz that Kate Beckinsale, Sofia Vergara and Milla Jovavich had signed up to star in a Danger Girl movie. You remember the comic book Danger Girl right? It was like Indiana Jones meets James Bond except everyone had giant boobs. It was drawn by comics superstar J Scott Campbell, so the first seven issue run took about 2 1/2 years to publish (or in geek speak; slower than Joe Madureira faster than Rob Liefeld). The comic spawned a video game, and a cartoon pilot that was never picked up. It's not like it's Watchmen or anything but it's a pretty good comic. It's a fun read and while the art is apologetically cheesecakey it's still really dynamic and detailed, it fits the tone of the book perfectly.
The idea that some empty Hollywood suit would want to adapt it into a movie isn't that far fetched, in fact when you consider some of the comics that have been adapted to the big screen Danger Girl seems like a bit of a no brainer. Or at least it would have 11 years ago when the first vol. was still being published. But I digress, the real reason I've spent a paragraph and a half writing about this is because the internet is crazy, there is no movie and certainly no one has signed on to star in it.
Essentially what happened is that someone told a writer at the Latino Review that these 3 ladies had signed on to do a Danger Girl movie, he reports in on his website without any real proof and before you know it, every comic and nerd blog on the net are spreading the story like herpes at Kim Kardashian's wedding reception (yeah I know, that was a reach). It's kinda like the time I "reported" that Joseph Gordon Levitt was going to play the Joker in the Dark Knight rises (a post that still brings in the googlers), except that barely anyone reads my blog unless I'm talking about soccer jerseys or bikini car washes.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is this: in your face other geek blogs that totally got this wrong! Finally, me being slow to report things is starting to pay off. And here's a bonus pic of Sofia Vergara. She would've made a great Sydney Savage.

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