The creators of Superman, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, have been battling DC comics and Warner brothers in court over the ownership of Superman since the 1940s. The latest ruling had Warner Bros. scrambling to start filming the new Superman movie before they lost partial control of the movie rights. There's also rumor that part of DC comics superman reboot has to do with what aspects of the character they're going to be able to legally keep copyrighted.
Keep that in mind while checking out the above picture from the set of the
new Iron Man XXX: An Extreme Comixxx Parody. I guess copyright infringement only matters as long as no one's doing it. Seriously, how is it this law exists and no one other than the porn guys take advantage of it? If I was Microsoft I'd start working on the iPhone XXX: a porn parody right now.
Kevin- I know a lot of movie and comic executives read your blog and for them I'm gonna toss some free advice their direction. This would normally cost my consults fee, one Russian bride, but I am feeling generous today. Next time you are filming a franchise movie, go ahead and film 3 or 4 different versions at the same time. You've already spent the money for a set and crew, why not get the most for your money? Make a hard R Aquaman, once that scene is done shooting replace the actors with children... actors and film a slightyl different scene with them. Then replace them with porn stars. The last would be uhhh... all Samuel Jackson for every character and line. Then when the DVDs hit you'd have the version for grown-ups, for kids and for sad nerds. Just money waiting to be made. Someone else is gonna knock it off anyway, might as well get it yourself!
I love it when you post high
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