Sorry posting has been so sparse lately. Work has been hectic and my PC at home is throwing a lot of blue screen of death at me lately. Weird errors I tell ya. Virus and malware scans come up clean but IE, Chrome and Firefox all crash regularly and like I said I'm getting full on blue screens if I use any of the three. A reformat is probably in order, hell a new computer is in order but I don't have that kind of cash.
A little blogging secret, often I queue these posts up the night before or early in the morning so I can post them in the afternoon during prime blogging hours. With Hank being down (yes my computer is named after Hank Hill) it's hard to keep up my regular underwhelming output.
Anyhoo, here's a new video by Kirby Krackle called One More Episode. I was shocked at how many of these TV fonts and logos I recognized. Finally years and years of watching way to much TV has paid off.
My name is Kevin and I blog, mostly about nerdy stuff. I'm old enough to know that Gobots came before Transformers and geeky enough to care.
If you have something cool or nerdy you just have to share, e-mail me at kevin @
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