Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, March 11, 2011 |
Filed Under: jj abrams,
super 8
Ok so it's no 5 fast 5 furious, but this new trailer for Super 8 looks pretty awesome. The first teaser made me believe this was going to be another shaky cam kinda joint like Cloverfield. While I liked Cloverfield I'm kinda glad this looks more like a regular film. Also it has a whole Goonies/Stand by Me/Monster Squad thing going for it. I half expected Corey Feldman to pop up at the end, I was only half disappointed when he didn't.
My name is Kevin and I blog, mostly about nerdy stuff. I'm old enough to know that Gobots came before Transformers and geeky enough to care.
If you have something cool or nerdy you just have to share, e-mail me at kevin @
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