If this story isn't the awesomest thing ever than I don't know what is.
Paul Hutton, 40, was pulled over by police as he drove an electric Barbie car, which moves slower than a mobility scooter, near his home in Essex. Mr Hutton, who has four children Simon, 17, Calum, 14, Laina, 12, and John, 11, admitted being a 'complete twit'.
"It is designed for three-to-five-year-olds. Originally it was a pink Barbie car but I put bigger wheels on it but it's not fast."
~the telegraph.uk
The fine folks at the Telegraph go on to say the top speed of the Barbie car is a blistering 4 mph. At least it was before he modified it with a sick new paint job and chromed out rims. Hutton was pulled over while still in the car in front of his own house. He was then found to be over twice the legal limit for blood alcohol content. Since this was his second DUI in the last 12 months they impounded the "car" and a judge revoked his drivers license.
Now I'm not saying I'm stopping by the liquor store and Toy r Us tonight on my way home from work but I'm not saying I'm not either.
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