This whole thing is pretty fantastic. I mean it's certainly not fantastic for any of the women that were at the party or quite frankly some of the men. It's fantastic that in 2016 some dude-bro thought that this was a great idea for a work event. The tech world has probably had it too good too fast. You've got big companies making super bank that are fine with having beer and ping pong tables set up in the office and everyone starts thinking that work isn't work anymore. Work is just an extension of your home life. Before you know it IPAs and Ping Pong are replaced with shots of Jaeger and go-go dancers.
It's a shame this happened under Microsoft's watch. It's a black eye the video game industry doesn't really need right now. One of the local yokels on the radio this morning was saying something to the effect of "well these are the kinds of things these video games cater too". Gamers don't need that, that's the kind of garbage close minded thinking gamers have been fighting against since Pong.
The good news is that Big Redmond came out and without any equivocation apologized for the event and put it's organizers on blast. My guess is someone in San Francisco is about to get a security escort out of the building.
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