Someone somewhere in the hierarchy of the GOP thinks that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (who totally reminds me of kenneth the page from 30 rock) is their answer to Obama. About a month ago Bobby Jindal gave the GOP response to President Obama's address to Congress. In it he came up with this winner, "Instead of monitoring volcanoes, what Congress should be monitoring is the eruption of spending in Washington, D.C.,"
You tell 'em Bobby! Who needs to monitor Volcanoes? I mean when was the last time a Volcano ever killed someone. I'm not even sure we have any volcanoes in the US.
Alaska doesn't count as a real state, it's more like eastern russia
Don't get me started on all the money we waste on natural disaster monitoring. Volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes we're the United States of America not India or Thailand. If anyone is an expert on how planning and preparing for natural disasters is a complete waste of resources it's gotta be the Governor of Louisiana.
what hurricane?
They should do a Bollywood remake of the Andy Grifith show and cast Jindal as Opie.
Would you want communism to fail? Even Jay Leno is comparing Obama's policies to communism. I want that to fail. Watch Leno blast Mr. O's policies:
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