Here's a couple videos of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog pooping all over soccer fans and the world cup. There's two videos, watch the both, laugh, have a tasty beverage, sit back and enjoy a little you time. You've earned it champ.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Watches the World Cup
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, June 30, 2014 |
Filed Under:
conan o'brien,
world cup

Friday, June 27, 2014
Jesse Dangerously: Bring your Girlfriend to Rap Day
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, June 27, 2014 |
Filed Under:
hip hop,
jesse dangerously,

I have the day off and this song rocks. That's all you need to know.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trailer isn't helping
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 |
Filed Under:
teenage mutant ninja turtles

Excuse me if yesterday when this new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trailer was released I didn't immediately watch it and reblog it. I haven't seen a rating on this thing yet but I hope it's marketed to kids. Dumb kids that don't know any better. Like the kind that grew up in the 90s thinking The Phantom Menace was a good movie (they exist, trust me!).
Would it have killed them to not have f-ed up the turtles faces? Was it that important that they put their stamp on the movie by making the main characters unrecognizable? I mean if you don't want to make a TMNT movie just make a movie about space ninjas and save us all the grief. Also, rocket powered skateboard? At least they got one thing right.
Would it have killed them to not have f-ed up the turtles faces? Was it that important that they put their stamp on the movie by making the main characters unrecognizable? I mean if you don't want to make a TMNT movie just make a movie about space ninjas and save us all the grief. Also, rocket powered skateboard? At least they got one thing right.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
She's all Links

Hollywood's Leading Men by height

I don't know, maybe it's because I've always wanted to be taller but I have always been interested in how tall people on TV or in Movies are. I wish there were a couple more guy on this list, like pretty much the entire cast of the Expendables. Jason Statham has always struck me as one of those guys that's probably like 5'5" or something. That's only fair though, if he was like 6'2" there wouldn't be any ladies left for the rest of us.
Monday, June 23, 2014
New Guardians of the Galaxy Star Wars Trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, June 23, 2014 |
Filed Under:
fake trailers,
guardians of the galaxy,
star wars

Some enterprising nerd made a trailer for Star Wars that hits all the same beats as the first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. It's pretty good. I think a solid argument could be made that Hooked on a Feeling makes any trailer at least 50% better.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Malibu Shark Attack: The Review

Way back in January I saw a few of my favorite rappers at the Lo-Fi in Seattle. One of them, Tribe One, mentioned during his set that he had a new Album coming out soon, Malibu Shark Attack. Well the album is here and it hasn't left the CD player of my car all week.
Malibu Shark attack is actually a group comprised of Dublin based producer Rocky O'Reilly and the aforementioned nerdcore super bad-ass Tribe One. On the opening track Tribe One describes O'Reilly's sound as post electronica indiecore-syth pop so let's go with that. It's certainly nothing like you hear on the radio today but the beats are still pretty accessible. No one's going to confuse this album with the latest J Cole album but I wouldn't say it's so far away from traditional hip-hop that it needs a special category. Of course your mileage may vary. If Macklemore was raised by Wu-Tang then I was raised by MF Doom and non-traditional beats are kinda my jam. My definition of hip hop might be broader than most.
This is why I don't review things, I'm so far away from the point.
The first couple tracks on the Album, Better off as Friends and Yo Into New York are upbeat tracks that are going to get your head nodding. Tribe One always delivers clever lyrics and these songs a no exception. Yo Into New York has a verse on it by Jesse Dangerously that's so rad it had me scrambling to look up more of his stuff. The third track, Doing it Wrong, hit me right in the feels when I first heard it. On it Tribe One gets pretty personal about his motivations behind quitting his day job to make raps. Right now I'm kind of struggling with my day job and I'm not spending enough time drawing so everything he says about the desire to make art and the feeling on wasting your life in a traditional 9-5 rang true. But enough about me, the song is super dope. It's smart, honest and heartfelt. It's everything music should be but rarely is.
The next few songs on the album have appearances from MC Lars and Adam WarRock. I'm 99.9% sure the song BDMTHRFCKR is all about Jules from Pulp Fiction's wallet. It didn't hit me in the feels like Doing it Wrong did but it's a killer track. Rocky O'Reilly really throws the kitchen sink at it. It's the most uptempo song on the album and has a chorus you really want to sing along with (swearing's fun kids!).
Dizzy Dustin from Ugly Duckling shows up on Plans for the Weekend which was an unexpected surprise. I still can't believe UD never made the leap to mainstream. The Album starts to close out with a self titled song that has one of my favorite opening verses ever. The last song Monsters Under Your Bed has pretty much the only chorus on the album that I don't really like but the verses are so solid that I let it slide on this one track. But just this one track, ok?
So there you go, Malibu Shark Attack. 10 stars. You should buy it here. Or don't buy it, take Tribe One's own advice: "save your money until you're sure I deserve it, until then download, torrent and burn it". Or at the very very least you should check out the video for Better Off as Friends below
Thursday, June 19, 2014
No Life Forms Aboard
The Brotherhood workshop put together a little 1 minute lego mini movie that provides us with a more logical conclusion to Star Wars. Thank goodness everyone that works for the Empire is an idiot. EVERYONE.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Video Game: The Movie is a thing I will tolerate
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 |
Filed Under:
video games

For better or worse, Video Game: The Movie is a thing that exists. A documentary about video games should be right in my wheel house but I don't know.. being produced by Zack Braff doesn't exactly get my gpu running. Of course Chris Hardwick and Wil Wheaton show up in the thing too.. I don't know. I mean I enjoy @midnight as much as the next guy but jeez, I don't need a movie full of D-list nerdlebrities telling me how full of "art" video games are. Give me 90 minutes of coked up Atari programmers and Sony execs sticking it to Nintendo with the PS1 after negotiations over the SuperFamicon CD drive fell apart. I'm just saying if they spend more time talking with Cliffy B about GOW than they do covering revolutionary failures of hardware like the Dreamcast or the Neo-Geo then this whole thing is a giant failure.
Pro-Tip for all game developers out there: When you describe video games as art and then release day 1 DLC you're kinda talking out both sides of your ass.
Pro-Tip for all game developers out there: When you describe video games as art and then release day 1 DLC you're kinda talking out both sides of your ass.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
American Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 |
Filed Under:
american gods,
awesome tv shows,
bob's burgers,
video games,

One of two things probably happened here. Either they made the game look worse on PC so it would port better to Xbone and PS4 or they developed for hardware specs that never happened. Either way the PC master race kind of got screwed on this one. Maybe once it's all settled down Ubi will release a patch that improves the graphics to where they should be.

Guardians of the Galaxy UK Trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 |
Filed Under:
guardians of the galaxy,

So here's the 2nd UK, or international trailer, for Guardians of the Galaxy. It has a bit of new footage in it, which is cool, but it's missing the 70s americana rock, which isn't cool. I've gone back and re-read some of my old Guardians of the Galaxy trades (the new old ones by Abnett and Lanning not the old old ones from the 70s) and those books are even crazier (and better) than I remember. No way half of that stuff is getting into the movie.
For instance I completely forgot about the talking cosmonaut dog Cosmo that overseas the security of Knowhere, you know, the city built inside a dead celestial's head. Based on the trailer it looks like Knowhere is actually in the movie but I'm going to go ahead and assume right now that Cosmo isn't.
I wonder where the Disney suits decided to draw the line. Was Mantis out because they already cast on bald girl in Nebula? Like could they only use 2 of out of Cosmo, Bug, Rocket and Groot? If so I think they choose the right ones.
For instance I completely forgot about the talking cosmonaut dog Cosmo that overseas the security of Knowhere, you know, the city built inside a dead celestial's head. Based on the trailer it looks like Knowhere is actually in the movie but I'm going to go ahead and assume right now that Cosmo isn't.
I wonder where the Disney suits decided to draw the line. Was Mantis out because they already cast on bald girl in Nebula? Like could they only use 2 of out of Cosmo, Bug, Rocket and Groot? If so I think they choose the right ones.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Animals Dancing to Push It by Salt N Peppa
Here's some animals dancing to Push it by Salt N Peppa. If the US lose to Ghana today this is the last post you're Ghana see from me this week, the rest of the week will be spent crying in the basement eating a big block of cheese. This was supposed to be the Summer of George Kevin!
The Cup o Noodles Samurai has crazy soccer skills
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, June 16, 2014 |
Filed Under:
advertising wizards,
japan is awesome,
world cup

Remember last week when I was talking about big events and how it's an excuse for lazy marketing people to shout out "hey remember our completely unrelated product when enjoying the World Cup"? No? Well allow the Nissin Cup O' Noodles samurai to dazzle you with his footie skills. Don't forget nothing going better with the world cup than dehydrated noodles and condensed chicken broth!
Happy Belated Father's Day
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, June 16, 2014 |
Filed Under:
father's day,
guardians of the galaxy

Friday, June 13, 2014
Far Cry 4: E3 Gameplay
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, June 13, 2014 |
Filed Under:
computer games,
far cry,
video games

Another game that made a big splash at E3 this year was Far Cry 4. I have yet to play Far Cry 3. I'm waiting for both a new video card (come on summer santa!) and a steam sale where I can pick it up for like $3.99. I figure in less than 2 years I'll totes be checking out Far Cry 4.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
How a Tower Crane Works
Ever wonder how a tower crane works? I've had the process explained to me before but I've never seen it in such a tidy little video.
I know this isn't the most exciting thing ever but I'm maintaining a strict internet blackout until I can get home to see if the plucky Croatians were able to pull off an upset over Brasil.
I know this isn't the most exciting thing ever but I'm maintaining a strict internet blackout until I can get home to see if the plucky Croatians were able to pull off an upset over Brasil.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Let's all be futbol fans
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |
Filed Under:
adriana lima,
advertising wizards,
gratuitous use of babes,
world cup

One of my favorite things about a big sporting event is how advertisers try to link their product to the event or team, no matter how inane it might be. Like Kinkos is your official copy store of Superbowl XXIV and that's supposed to mean that if you want Superbowl quality copies you better get your ass to a Kinkos, or some nonsense.
With that in mind here's a Kia commercial about the World Cup and, oh I don't know, Adriana Lima's legs? Hey, advertising campaigns have been started with less. Looking at you Geico Gecko.
With that in mind here's a Kia commercial about the World Cup and, oh I don't know, Adriana Lima's legs? Hey, advertising campaigns have been started with less. Looking at you Geico Gecko.
The Game of Zelda, or The Legend of the Thrones
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |
Filed Under:
game of thrones,
video games,

Here's a fun little animation for you. It's the Legend of Zelda done in the style of the Game of Thrones intro. Have we ever talked about how perfect the intro for Game of Thrones is? It really is the best into to a TV show since the A-Team. Reading the books you have no idea how many times I had to look at the stupid maps just to figure out where everything is. Did you know Dragonstone was like 2 miles away from Kings Landing? It's right there, you can see Russia from it and everything.
Why it's hard to love the World Cup
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |
Filed Under:
john oliver,
world cup

So this John Oliver rant is 2 days old, which in internet terms is like 3 months but with the World Cup starting tomorrow I thought it was a good time to upload it. There's like a thousand things about it to love. Scrooge McDuck references, penis jokes, pratfalls, John Oliver swearing, good times.
So enjoy the World Cup, FIFA is massively crooked and screwing over poor citizens left and right. DON'T TREAD ON ME, USA USA USA!
So enjoy the World Cup, FIFA is massively crooked and screwing over poor citizens left and right. DON'T TREAD ON ME, USA USA USA!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Zelda Wii U, E3 Trailer
Nintendo is sort of blowing up the internet right now with their presentation at E3. New Zelda, a bunch of Mario Spin offs, Disney Infinity 2.. stuff like that. Here's the trailer for the new Legend of Zelda game. I'm telling you right now, in a world where I have money to spare I'd buy a Wii U in a heartbeat. My son is just about of age to really enjoy games like Mario Cart and if I want to play Battlefield 15: Battlefield Harder & Buggier I could always play it on PC.
So now that I have a plan I just need like $300. Anyone want to start a goFundme for me?
So now that I have a plan I just need like $300. Anyone want to start a goFundme for me?
Monday, June 9, 2014
Star Wars Battlefront: Official 2014 E3 Trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, June 09, 2014 |
Filed Under:
star wars,
video games

There were quite a few things announced at E3 today and I don't have time to go over them all so lets go over the one that interests me the most. Star Wars Battlefront. I like Star Wars, I like 1st person shooters, I like Star Wars 1st person shooters (or at least I did before Lucasarts went belly up, so a new Star Wars 1st person shooter made by the guys that created Battlefield? Here, take my wallet. There's nothing in there but I think I have some fuel reward points on my Safeway card.
I really wish this trailer had just a tiny bit more game footage but I guess in this case I'll take what I can get. When can I blow up some AT-STs?
I really wish this trailer had just a tiny bit more game footage but I guess in this case I'll take what I can get. When can I blow up some AT-STs?
The Seattle Symphony Likes Big Butts
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, June 09, 2014 |
Filed Under:
classical music,
sir mix-a-lot

Here's Sir-Mix-A-Lot performing Baby got back with the Seattle Symphony all while a bunch of middle aged white ladies who look like the kind of people that enjoy a night at the symphony shake their asses. Enjoy?
Friday, June 6, 2014
Crumbling Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, June 06, 2014 |
Filed Under:
abandon places,
the interwebs,
the wonder years,
tv shows

What's the consensus on The Wonder Years? I know I watched it in jr high but outside of the Star Trek episode I don't remember a single thing about it. Worth watching again or too much of a time commitment?

Thursday, June 5, 2014
Amazon has a Kindle phone coming your way
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, June 05, 2014 |
Filed Under:
bad ideas?,
cell phones

So Amazon put out this "mysterious" commercial last night hyping up their next big product. Spoiler alert: It's a phone. I don't have any insider knowledge or anything but come on, it's a phone. Right around the 0:42 mark you can see the outline of the top of the device and it's totes phone shape. Nice work Amazon. You really surprised us with the thing that you've been rumored to be making for the last 2 years.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
... The Blurst of Times: Halt and Catch Fire
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 |
Filed Under:
halt and catch fire,
old computers,
tv shows

Halt and Catch Fire is AMC's newest effort to cash in on some of that Mad Men skrilla. It's a fictionalized retelling of the power struggle between IBM and the PC clone pioneers of the 1980s. Until they come up with a TV show about the comic boom and crash of the 90s, I'm not sure there will ever been a show more in my wheelhouse. Too bad I found the pilot episode sooooo disappointing.
The three main characters in the show (pictured above) are such 2-dimensional stereotypes I'm surprised this wasn't written by Michael Bay. In fact 2-dimensional might be giving them too much credit. Basically the show stars Dickhead Steve Jobs, Family Man Steve Wozniak and Angelina Jolie from Hackers. It's almost cartoonish how clearly each characters personalities are written on their sleeves and how the writers are going to beat them into your thick PC using skull (I assume this was written on macbook airs). The plot follows Dickhead Jobs as he moves from IBM to some fictional computer maker with the intent of cloning the sacred IBM bios and revolutionizing the PC industry. Of course the only two that can help him are a sexy/punk rock know-it-all computer engineering drop out (who he screws in the first 10 minutes of the show) and a beaten down genius who's afraid to rock the corporate boat because he has a mortgage and kids.
I could feel my DVR unprogramming the show on its own when we're introduced to the plucky young engineer. Dickhead Jobs is questioning a room of students about the future of computing and LOW AND FREAKING BEHOLD SHE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS INCLUDING PREDICTING THE INTERNET AND SHE HAS A SWAGGER ABOUT HER THAT SAYS SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT SOCIETIES EXPECTATIONS.
Yes, the scene was acted in capslocks.
On a scale of Sandra Bullock's The Net (1) to PBS's Triumph of the Nerds (10), I'll give Halt and Catch Fire a Windows 2000. Yeah it's better than NT but none of your drivers work, so have fun with that.
Monday, June 2, 2014
New Mortal Kombat X Trailer
Here's the new Trailer for Mortal Kombat X that facebook is telling me is trending super hard right now. I'm going to flat out say this right now, this trailer is the worst kind of trailer. Is this gameplay footage? CGI cutscene for no reason? Does it tell you or show you anything about the game that you might not already have imagined a new Mortal Kombat game would have in it? I guess it's pretty to look at?
Also whats the point of showing a guy getting his kneecap broke if he immediately started jumping and flipping around like it was no big deal? When did Sub Zero become John Cena?
Also whats the point of showing a guy getting his kneecap broke if he immediately started jumping and flipping around like it was no big deal? When did Sub Zero become John Cena?
Last Friday's Links (that I'm finally getting to)
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, June 02, 2014 |
Filed Under:
agents of shield,
tv shows,
video games


I believe that everyone is responsible for their own decisions but recently I've felt like books, movies, tv shows, even music have set up a lot of introverted kids for failure when it comes to connecting with the other sex (ie. I'm talking boys and girls here). There's an unrealistic expectation of what relationships should be and how a successful one even starts. The example he gives from Revenge of the Nerds is probably the worst thing ever and is mind bottling that it ever made it into a popular film.

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