
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and The Wasp - Official Trailer

Would you look at that long ass post header that doesn't all fit on one line and looks terrible. I copied that directly off the youtube page, it's way too long and it still doesn't tell you that this is the 2nd Ant-Man and The Wasp trailer, really it's the 3rd if you count the teaser, which we should.

It's a good trailer, almost too good. I'm getting this feeling they're a bit nervous about following up Avengers: Infinity War with this so they're showing you ALL THE CGI they can. I would not be surprised if you walk out of the movie having felt like you've seen all the best parts already. Or maybe not, I could be wrong. I usually am.

However I will toot my own hort (TOOT TOOT) and say that I guessed pretty much all the major Avengers: Infinity War plot points. I mean my son is pretty much my only witness but trust me I nailed it. I had the opening scene figured out, several plot points along the way and the end scene all nailed. It was a good movie that I would have enjoyed anyway but man watching it all come together just as I had imagined really filled my smug meter, which felt fantastic.

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