
Monday, July 25, 2011

Monkey vs Horse, who you got?

Great googly moogly the new trailer for Rise of the Planet of the Apes looks boss.

I didn't hate the Planet of the Apes remake with Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch as much as most nerds did, but It kind of kill my enthusiasm for more Ape films. The first 4 Planet of the Apes films are kinda perfect, even the second one which makes no sense at all compared to the first film. Somehow as a whole they sort of capture the zeitgeist of late 60s early 70s sci-fi.

I'm not holding my breath that this second modern remake will be anything more than a entertaining pop-corn action flick but it definitely looks like it's worth checking out. I mean Monkey vs Horse, are you not entertained?

1 comment:

  1. To be fair, it's highly intellegent monkey vs. normal horse. That's not a fair fight. You find me some footage of a smart horse vs. a smart monkey and then we'll talk. Smart horse owns smart monkey. Smart horse don't take no sh*t. Write it down.
